Sunday, August 29

What a week Zarek has had!

Hey Room 7! First of all, I miss all you guys! Now, let me tell you about the awesome week I have had here in America.

On Tuesday me and my family went to the Montana Fair. At the fair, I went on a whole bunch of spectacular rides. But my favourite ride was either the "Himalaya" or the "Starship 4000." On the "Himalaya", you get in a car and the car just keeps driving around and around until it is going fast enough to have vomit exploding from your mouth. And the "Starship 4000" is a doozy too. You load onto this spaceship looking room that spins so speedy fast, that when it is going its speediest, you get pressed up against these boards that go up and down according to the gravity level inside the ship. Pretty cool, huh?

Listen to this; my siblings and I started being home-schooled on Wednesday! Everyday, I start school with four pages of my work book. Then I move onto my writing, then my maths, then my science, until finally I get study time. It's kind of weird being home-schooled.

Also during the week ( I actually I just got back from it), me, my parents, and my brothers went to see The Beach Boys in concert at The Alberta Bair Theatre. They rocked the house with songs like Surfin' U.S.A. and Do It Again. I wore my T-shirt with palm trees on it because palm trees are usaully found on beaches where The Beach Boys are, right?

In about one week me and my family are going to go visit Calgary (that's a city in Canada). It is a 10 hour drive one way so, it is going to be along drive. But more about that next time.

This is Zarek signing off.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there Zarek. Good to hear from you again. I see you are managing to get over missing us - a trip to the Montana fair sounds like you would be too busy holding onto your breakfast and lunch to be thinking about anything else!
    Your mum is great. She must be very busy with home schooling you - I hope you are all model pupils... I can hear the shout of "Of course we are - not!" from here.
    You'll have to ask your teacher if she would let you add to the class story at the website on our blog (one of last week's entries).
    Did you check out the ski trip animoto video? The day was a great success even though there was less snow than last year.
    Catch up with you again soon Zarek
    Mrs H
