Tuesday, March 15


We have been learning about intelligence. To think more deeply about intelligence we had to write down what we thought intelligence was. these are some of the things we came up with:

  • Intelligence and instinct can work together to create a reaction.
  • If something has a working brain it is intelligent.
  • Intelligence is the ability to know something, (only living things are intelligent).

Friday, March 11

A Very Special Visitor

On Friday 11 March, we were all set to get back into talking about fundraising for the Christchurch earthquake, Maia was going to tell us about a school in Lafayette, California, that is going to be raising funds for Christchurch too and next thing Taylor launched himself at this woman coming in throough the door of our class. Boy were we surprised.  Then we found out that the woman was Sarah Cook, Taylor's mum .

Sarah is a fire fighter based at the Kilmore St Fire Station in Christchurch and has been in the thick of the rescue efforts.  She came to our class because her son, Taylor, has joined our class while his mother has been so busy with here work and while his school has been closed. She wanted to thank us for looking after Taylor for her and so she gave us all an ice block.

She told us about how she was off duty when the earthquake struck and was able to go to Redcliff's School to pick up Taylor.  Their home was undamaged and so was safe to be in.  The person Sarah was most worried about once she had Taylor safe was his grandmother. She had been shopping at East Gate Mall and it had been badly hit. All was well with Sarah and Taylor's family.

When she went on duty later that night she was in the team that was helping at the CTV building.  She said that the trauma for her was not the earthquake itself but the fact that they knew there were people trapped under the rubble but couldn't find them. She found it extremely hard to walk passed a husband who had been talking to his wife in the cellphone but she hadn't been rescued as the rescuers couldn't locate which part of the building she was in.

The subject eventually came around to hygiene and toilets. She told us that people were being very creative and inventive about building 'comfortable', private makeshift toilets. 

Looters were discussed and we were all disgusted that people would steal from others - even worse that they were stealing things they did not need.

Travelling around Christchurch you see a lot of stickers on houses so Sarah told us what they meant.
Red stickers means a house is condemned
Yellow stickers mean limited access 
Green sticker means fine, people can live in

It was great to hear Sarah's first hand report and to know that the fundraising we are going to be doing is a really worthwhile cause.

Monday, March 7

Mapua makes a splash!

On the 21st of February, a hoard of children made for the Riwaka pool. Why? Because of the Mapua School's annual swimming sports! 

Splashing and diving, the four houses competed for the highest amount of points. First up was the open, in which we had to compete in three different strokes. 

Then was the backstroke, leaving most of the contestants shivering in the cloudy, cold morning. The breaststroke was also a great success, with diving, splashing  and lots of fun! Thankfully, there were no injuries, Kurtis complained of a slightly bashed face! He accidentally got kicked in the face by another competitor.

Then it was the Butterfly demonstration  with only a few people attempting to reach the other end. Three of the four made it; one of them didn't. 

After that, the freestyle, with the racers diving in with a bang!(Literally!) Freestyle is the easiest stroke so almost everyone participated.The follow to freestyle was the little 'uns flutter board race! All the younger kids splashed their way to the end of the pool.

The final race was the teachers carry race. The rules? The teacher must remain on the chair. Rules broken? The teachers all started swimming! Although they did cling to the chair as well. Some very funny swimming techniques were demonstrated during that race!

As a perfect finish to a perfect day, the whole school dived in for 15 minutes of free time! "The only down side was that Red House won by over 200 points!" said Finlay.

At last, we returned to Mapua for the remaining hours of school!

Reported by Finlay,Tait and Nick


On your marks, get set, go! They were off for the Mapua School Triathlon on Friday the 11th of February 2011. It was the first whole school event of the year. Everyone in the school that raced was competing in their year groups. Everyone had butterflies in their stomachs but were still eager to have a go at it!
The year groups were sweating while they were running and riding their bikes.As soon as they got into the pool they felt refreshed straight away.
 It was good to hear everyone cheering the competitors on.

Thanks to all the parents for coming along.

Everyone had a blast and felt good that they had had a go at it!

Mapua's going under

 On the 22 of February the Mapua School swimming sports took place in Riwaka. It was very nerve wracking and the longer it took, the  harder it got to stand still said Kinsey.  
When it was our turn, Mr Taylor shouted out 11 year old girls it's your turn. We stood on the side of the pool and crawled into what we thought was going to be cold water but it wasn't what we thought - the pool was milky warm.

We're tight shut in our ready position, then we heard a big BANG!!!!!
We were off, water splashing into our faces, arms tired like a mouse would be after being chased by a 
cat. Finally we reached the end when I noticed that Emma was already in front of me. Better luck next time.

After waiting  nervously on the side, Mr Taylor looked at us in a way saying you're on.
We all stood up....get in the ready position ....and suddenly everyone started to dive in. So I quickly 
dived in too, chasing after Lily and Emma. When I finished, to my surprise, Grace gave me a card that had the number 1 on it!


On  Tuesday 22nd of February the rain threatened to pour down on the  Riwaka School  pool as the first competitors dived in for the open race. The open race is the one where you have to swim one length of backstroke, one length of breaststroke and one of freestyle in that order. BANG!! Splash! The first group of the open were off. This was the beginning of a tense, exciting and fun swimming event.

First up was the heats for backstroke, then breaststroke, then freestyle. The finals were held after all age groups had swum the different strokes. Everybody was nervous but excited at the same time.


It was a hot summer's day - NOT!
It was wet, damp and drizzly.  We loaded our gear into the cars and headed off to the Riwaka School pool for the Mapua School swimming sports. We all had mixed emotions about the event, On one hand we were excited and on the other hand we were nervous and cold waiting for our races to start.

The open was first, from years 5-8. Every now and then you would feel some cold water and every time you get butterflies in your stomach. The sound of kids cheering on their friends and siblings echoed through the air.

When it came to our races we were thinking, OMG can we do this?  And guess what.  We did it!
Tegan and I are in Red House so between us both we would have got a couple of points for Red House.

We both did the strokes breast stroke and freestyle.

The Earthquake

Room 7 has four new students.  They are from Christchurch and have come to Nelson because ...

On Tuesday 22 February 2011, Christchurch suffered a massive earthquake.  Half of the CBD (central businesses district) got written off.  My dad owns a restaurant. One of the staff member's mum got stuck in the CTV building.

I was in school starting social studies - and it happened. I dropped under my desk. I pulled my friend down with me. I was worried about my family and friends. At school our back field broke and lifted up and started spraying water everywhere. At home my house was destroyed. Unlivable, demolished and in ruins. One my dad's work men drove us up the day after the quake and we're staying with my granny in her cottage.

Suddenly the ground started shaking, everyone started running towards the middle of the field. The cliff started collapsing. Boulders were rolling down the cliff face and landing on houses. I was thinking about my family and friends would they be alright?   When we looked around we saw that Redcliffs School was not going to be in business again for a long time. Although we were told we had to stay at school, we felt safe at school and were quite happy to be around our friends until my mum came to get me. 

Mapua dives in!

The morning butterflies were in our stomach as the bell rang.  We shuffled into class with excitement and stress. Today, Tuesday the 22nd February 2011, we were going to have this year's annual swimming sports. We left the class and went to the court and waited for our drivers to pick us up to take us to swimming sports. We drove to Riwaka School where the swimming sports were held, and then the butterflies came back.   

First, the open event where participants took part in a 3 length race.  Backstroke, breaststroke then freestyle.    

Second, the backstroke age events and then the best went into the Backstroke finals.  Third, the backstroke and its finals.  

Next, the butterfly demonstration where people showed their skills.  

Then it was time for the freestyle and freestyle finals.
Next up were the relays where 5 teams (1 teacher team and 4 children's teams) took part in a 5 length race with their 5 contestants.  The adults won that one.  

The last event was the teacher carriers race where 4 students each held a leg of a chair with a teacher siting on it and raced down the pool. 

Overall, everyone tried their best with Red House winning by over 200 points and then ending the day with a free swim.   We all went home with huge smiles on our faces.    :-)

Tuesday, March 1

Top Student Poll

Focussed                                                                 14 (70%)
Aims for accuracy                                                     2 (10%)
Organised                                                                11 (55%)
Learns from mistakes                                                10 (50%
Confidence                                                               1 (5%)
Relaxed (not stressed)                                               5 (25%)
Trustworthy                                                               2 (10%)
Good time management                                             3 (15%)
A1 quality presentation; behavior                               5 (25%)
Uses a range of techniques                                         3 (15%)
Active thinker                                                            2 (10%)
Creative                                                                    3 (15%)
Tries their hardest/best                                               12 (60%)
Open to learning                                                         4 (20%)
Respectful of own and others' work environment           1 (5%)
Enjoys learning                                                          9 (45%)
Curious                                                                     2 (10%)
Talks when necessary                                                 1 (5%)
Active listener                                                            5 (25%)
Positive attitude                                                         9 (45%)
Follows instructions                                                    3 (15%)
Sharing or communicating ideas                                  1 (5%)

What do these results tell us?
Our results for our post for the ideal student learner showed that The top 7 qualities were: being focussed, trying your hardest and doing your best, being organised, learning from your mistakes, enjoy learning and having a positive attitude.

What do these results mean for us as a learner?
If we have all these qualities we will be a successful learner. If you are a successful learner you will do well in life.

Which of these qualities do we already posses?
I think most of the students in Room 7 learn from mistakes.  I think this is because we make quite a few mistakes but we normally don't do them again. Sometimes we are focussed (we made this our first class goal) and we are getting better at it.

What do you need to improve?
We really need to work on our organisation skills (well at least I do). Getting organised is our class goal this week.

Splish Splosh!

The 23rd of February, a beautiful day... not! It was a cool, rainy day. Anyway we left the school grounds - Maia, Vic and Grace - with Judith at the wheel. We raced to Riwaka School's pool for the Mapua 2011 swimming sports!!!
The first event was the Open race. The back stroke length came first - wow what a race;
next breast stroke with a close finish and last but not least the freestyle length that. 

After all the races it was time for some fun. The teacher's chair race, when 1 teacher from each house sits on a chair and four students pull them through the pool, the first to the end wins some house points.

Wow what a day, all the racing kids really deserved their warm towels after that.

Splish, splosh, splash

 It was the 22nd of February and we were all looking forward to the day ahead. I was in my togs and ready to go. But there was one thing that I wasn't so pleased about - there was water falling from the sky. Guess what?  It was raining. We ignored the rain, jumped into the cars and set off to Riwaka pool - after all we were going to get wet in the pool so a little rain was not going to be a problem. 

We walked through the Riwaka School grounds, into the pool area and sat down. We waited for everyone to arrive and when Rooms 11, 7, 9 and 8 were all seated, our Principal, Mr Chalmers said, "Welcome to Mapua School's swimming sports."

"10 year old girls!" shouted Mr Taylor. Then we knew that it was our turn to go and do a length of backstroke.
The whistle blew  and we jumped into the warm water.
"BANG!!!"went the gun, we were off. We were all rushing our way through the pool. The first to hit the end was Maisie, then Lauryn.

Next up was breaststroke. Mr T called out, "11 year old girls," and we stepped up to the mark. BANG!

Over all the day was awesome.

By Molly H and Lauryn C