Wednesday, August 4

Room 7 superb artistic maths

Room 7 has been learning about transformations. We found out that these are part of Geometry and involves translation, rotation, reflection and enlargements. This has been our maths for the last couple of weeks. Mrs Hosie gave us a test to find out what we know about Geometry. Then she put us in groups and we learnt more about Rotational symmetry. We went onto a website which taught you lots of things about symmetry. If you want to go on and have a go, the link to the website is called Pacifica Patterns - Symmetry, it is on our class links to the right of our blog.  After we learnt  about transformations, we used our new knowledge to create new wrapping paper designs. We got asked to make wrapping paper since our art in the art exhibition was so good. First Mrs Hosie gave us an A3 piece of paper and then we made a koru design in our art books. Next we got to work tracing the koru design onto the piece of paper, translating, rotating, reflecting before we coloured them in and this is what they turned out like:


  1. Just wanted to say that your website is fabulous and you can be proud of all that you do and achieve. I enjoy reading what's happening in Room 7 (and around the world for Room 7 students).
    Well done,
    Mr Chalmers

  2. Hi Room 7,

    Cool maths project!!!!!!

    Miss you all!


