Monday, March 7

Mapua's going under

 On the 22 of February the Mapua School swimming sports took place in Riwaka. It was very nerve wracking and the longer it took, the  harder it got to stand still said Kinsey.  
When it was our turn, Mr Taylor shouted out 11 year old girls it's your turn. We stood on the side of the pool and crawled into what we thought was going to be cold water but it wasn't what we thought - the pool was milky warm.

We're tight shut in our ready position, then we heard a big BANG!!!!!
We were off, water splashing into our faces, arms tired like a mouse would be after being chased by a 
cat. Finally we reached the end when I noticed that Emma was already in front of me. Better luck next time.

After waiting  nervously on the side, Mr Taylor looked at us in a way saying you're on.
We all stood up....get in the ready position ....and suddenly everyone started to dive in. So I quickly 
dived in too, chasing after Lily and Emma. When I finished, to my surprise, Grace gave me a card that had the number 1 on it!

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