Friday, February 17

Mac's eye view

 This image shows the amount of concentration that we put into the short story competition. Everyone enjoyed writing for the competition and wrote some good stories.Of course we are all hoping that we win the competition!

Part of our topic is to be ourselves and I think this shows a good example because this giraffe has an elephant head and I think it would seem out of place whenever it was with either kind. This means this elephant would have to be strong and be its self.


  1. I like the sound of your topic, and the photo of the "giraffephant" illustrates it well. It certainly can be hard to be yourself sometimes, especially when you are a bit "different".

    Have you ever seen this quote by Henry David Thoreau?

    "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away."

    Kind of goes with your topic I think. . .

  2. Looking forward to reading those stories! Good luck all of you

  3. Well done room 11. It looks like you are really applying yourselves.
    Mr Searle

  4. wow, looks like you are doing a lot of hard work, do you know the winners of the short story competition yet?
    Jess :)
