Tuesday, June 22

Cross Country Championships

On Thursday the 11th June a bunch of Year 5, 6, 7 and 8's went to Rabbit Island to perform in an inter school cross country championship. There were about 12 schools competing for the top places and each school brought about 10 people so there was quite a lot of us there.

Mapua did really well.  We got 3 firsts, 3 seconds and 1 third place, so over all we did really well and we won the over all event.

The people that did really well got to go to the regional championships in Nelson on the 21 June.  Once again Mapua did really well coming third overall out of ...? schools.  Go Mapua!

If you get a good placing in that event, you can represent Nelson (and Mapua School) in the inter regionals that are either held in Nelson, Christchurch or Wellington.

These events were great fun and a brilliant way to get active. Everyone had a ball and I can't wait till next year to compete in the 2011 championship.

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