Wednesday, April 14

Where in the world???

Hi Room 7
I bet  you are all having a great time chilling out with your family and friends.  I hope you leave some messages or posts telling me about the things you got up to in the holidays.

I have been travelling outside of the Uk with Karen, Matt and Brian. Can you work out which cities (there were 3) and countries (2 countries) I visited? Check out the clues and the photos.

The first city we visited has a population of around 15 million people and a guide claimed it is the 7th biggest city in the world; it is the only city in the world which spans 2 continents; it is built on 7 hills, is home to the largest covered bazaar in the world and the Blue mosque.

The second city we visited was on the coast of the Aegean Sea and is a popular tourist resort. Most of our time was spent on the beach (first photo). We also visited a village a few kilometres inland and found a very simple traditional way of life where the families make their living mainly from farming, weaving carpets and kilims. The photos show a mosque, farm animals and the dining area where we were treated to a traditional meal.

We took a ferry to another country made up of many islands. The island we visited was the birthplace of Hippocrates.   We wandered around the island and found many traces of its ancient past in the form of ruins and a tree known as  the tree of Hippocrates (in the center of the town).Which country and island were we on and what is Hipporcrates known for?

Catch you again with more photos and questions for you to find the answers to.
Mrs H

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