That was it, this way all that we could do to our carefully prepared dish of Spanish omelet, water melon wrapped in ham and torrejas (The Spanish version of French toast)
Following the recipe provided, we cooked and prepared all of the three parts of the meal.
Well the Melon De Jamòn (ham and watermelon), basically says what it was.... watermelon wrapped up in ham. The chorizo and potato omelette was an entirely different manner and was possibly the most yummy and well liked dish in the classroom. Last but not least, there were some very, very delicious torrejas (tor-ee-ha-s), a Spanish version of french toast, with sugar and cinnamon sprinkled on slices of bread after being soaked and toasted. It was a yummy treat to finish off the Spanish meal.

Melon de Jamon. The spanish dish, Torrejas.

Our brilliant finishing dish.
Melon de Jamon. The spanish dish, Torrejas.
Our brilliant finishing dish.