Wednesday, May 29

Mapua E

Hey everyone, look what I found.  A YouTube video of the waiata we are practicing at the moment.

They sing Tumatauenga whereas we sing Mapua because that is our place, our people.

This is what we sing on our marae here at Waiouru Army Camp. We are Ngati Tumatauenga, the people of the war god. And the Youtube clip shows them performing it while peacekeeping in Bosnia in 1995.But you should insert the name of your group here, or sing Te Iwi E ! E karanga e te iwi e.
Boys, can you get to this standard? Of course you can :  )

Art Comp update

Here are the Art comp entries!!!
If you want to vote, leave a comment with the number ( which will be beside the photo )in it.
If you want to enter bring Your art work to room 11 and give it to Emily, Reuben or Sophie.

We have changed the journalists this term. Your new writers are...

Fergus, Molly, Natasha and Alfie ( and Barbara )!!!
Fergus wrote the Cross Country article, While Molly was away overseas she wrote a poem and a letter.
Emily, Reuben and myself will carry on with the Art Comp so keep bringing in your pictures.

Good luck to our new writers.

Monday, May 27

Mapua school cross country!

The day of the cross country was chaos. Everyone was worried. The start of the races were absolutely nerve raking, just waiting for the loud "GO!" was the worst part. You didn't even know when they would yell it out at you, then suddenly there was the on your marks then "GO!" We ran as fast as we could. The first lap was quite easy and the second and third weren't that bad but the fourth lap was HARD! Finally we realized how hard the race actually was - first came the stitch then the thirst.
It was a real good ending. 1st 2nd and 3rd were miles ahead of me then I came in 4th racing for my water bottle and gulping down water. I was happy I had finished and I enjoyed it. At first it seemed like it would be very boring doing the race but it turned out to be a huge success. Before we left we had prize giving, thanked Mr Taylor for organising the whole event and gave him a big clap then we headed back to school and packed our bags and went home. What a great day, I thought.
By Fergus

Thursday, May 9

Welcome to Term 2

This is a waiata we are learning this term and it seems appropriate to put it in this welcome post.