Thursday, February 21

Lego house!

You guys may know James May from Top Gear but did you ever think he would attempt to make a full scale lego house? 
This is big enough to walk in, even live in, although I don't think a lego bed would be very comfy!
We decided that this came into the Wow! category for achievement.


Wednesday, February 20


One of the Habits of Mind we are focussing on is responding with wonderment and awe. We are looking out for things that make us go "Wow!" 
Check this out...

This is Alain Robert a French rock
 and urban building climber.  He has climbed many high 
buildings including the Eiffel Tower, the Sydney Opera
 House and the Cheung Kong Centre.  But thats not all - he does it with only a 
pair of climbing shoes and a smalll bag of chalk! 
This made me, Emily, go "WOW!"

Monday, February 18

Art, Art and More Art!

This week Room 11 has been working on art quite a lot.

Balloon Art
Balloon Art is a fun art idea which Mrs Hosie found on the Internet while searching for an art idea to display in the staffroom. Balloon art makes it look like you are floating into a far away galaxy or in some cases- Shooting through the sky faster than the speed of light. In our balloons we wrote our goals for the term.

Mandala Art

Mandala is a Sanskrit (which is the official language of the state of Uttarakhand, in northern India) word which means circle.
Mandala Art has a spiritual  and ritual  significance in Hinduism and Buddhism.
Our Mandala Art is made out of lots of patterns or things that are special to us. Some of us still haven`t  finished our Mandala Art but as soon as we have all finished our art it will be displayed in the staffroom.

By Sophie

Thursday, February 7

Welcome back

What a great start to the year. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the class of 2013 today and meeting those of you who were able to come into the classroom today.  It feels good to be back. Things that made me go 'aah' were: seeing the students sitting at their desks chatting 15 minutes before the bell was due to ring for class; noting that most students were attempting to share their ideas, opinions and answers during discussions (we discussed the concept of people not contributing being  'baggage' that the rest of the class had to carry); appreciating the efforts and creative results of their work; enjoying our 'snowball' fight (yes, in summer!) and learning about the students' likes and dislikes as we tried to guess who had written on each snowball; seeing 6 students voluntarily come into class to complete unfinished work at lunchtime!

We are in the process of setting up our class economy at present.  The students will be asking advice as to what to put on their job description and asking you to write a short referee's report for them. Once their applications are completed, I will go through and appoint students to jobs appropriate to their interests and abilities to carry them out.  They are very excited about the prospect of earning money and being able to take part in the two auctions (mid and end of year).
Once the job vacancies have been filled this blog will be updated by a journalist and photographer. I am sure their posts will be much more interesting than this one!
Ka kite ano

that gift should be curiosity. Eleanor Roosevelt at