At the end of Term 3 Room 7 followed up on their talents and passions. One of the learning activities they chose was to prepare and share a Spanish flavoured meal. What a great way to learn more about the Spanish culture. Thanks MOTEC for letting us use your kitchen.
Thursday, November 3
Netball workout
Maia and Tegan have put together an Animoto video of the Staff versus Students netball game prior to the Winter Tournament. Check it out...
Wednesday, September 21
An extreme sporting cousin
James Davidson
My cousin James is 27 years old and very tall. He’s 6 foot 8 inches and lives in Wellington.
He was in the water polo team for NZ and has played against many international teams. Unfortunately he injured his shoulder and had to retire recently.
I look up to him hugely. He is very persistent, determined and never gives up! He sets goals and achieves them. He’s very kind, caring and considerate.
He has had lots of concussions from hitting his head e.g. he’s knocked himself out mountain biking with his best friend Harry, he cracked his head open swinging off a rope at a pool and lots more playing water polo.
He comes down to Nelson every so often to stay with us. Usually we spend most of the time in the pool. He throws me in. It’s really fun! Since I was little I have always liked to ride around on his shoulders messing up his hair and pulling his cap over his eyes.
By Maia
Tuesday, September 20
Describing a wonderful mother
Fiona is fantastic at managing Samuel's football team, this is just one of the reasons I love my mum.
I love the holidays my mum takes us on, they are always awesome!
Outstanding at cooking, especially on camp (she always makes lasagna).
Never stops working, 'a tidy house is a happy mum.' But wait, there's more I can tell you about my great and wonderful mum.
A person who will be there when you need her, no matter what happens.
Will always keep me busy, she always knows what's best for me.
Idol to me and my brothers.
Lots of people like her, she is the greatest mum around.
She is a very tough cookie, always beats me in arm wrestles.
Only person that keeps me clean - not that I enjoy it!
Never sleeps in (unless it is her birthday).
I love the holidays my mum takes us on, they are always awesome!
Outstanding at cooking, especially on camp (she always makes lasagna).
Never stops working, 'a tidy house is a happy mum.' But wait, there's more I can tell you about my great and wonderful mum.
A person who will be there when you need her, no matter what happens.
Will always keep me busy, she always knows what's best for me.
Idol to me and my brothers.
Lots of people like her, she is the greatest mum around.
She is a very tough cookie, always beats me in arm wrestles.
Only person that keeps me clean - not that I enjoy it!
Never sleeps in (unless it is her birthday).
Using our descriptive writing skills to describe our fathers
James' Dad
My dad is a man you would think is shy and quiet. He is also very nice and amazing at sailing.
He sailed in the South Korea and Barcelona Olympic Games. He also sailed in 3 America Cup challenges for Team New Zealand, Team Tag Heuer and Team Oracle. You can see his picture at the N.Z. Maritime Museum with Sir Peter Blake and the Steinlager Team when they won the Whitbread round the world race.
He is a master boat builder and good at making ropes. He also loves classic cars.
I love my dad and am very proud of him.
Chloe's Dad
My Dad is 35 years old and he is quite tall. He helps me almost every time I need it and it makes me feel special in a way. He used to help me with my maths because I used to struggle. He taught me how to fish.
He also helps me with my homework on tough questions, with my netball training and with my projects too.
My dad loves to play rugby but his knee cap popped out three times when he was younger. He still plays rugby but just with his mates.
Another sport he likes to play is tennis which he plays almost everyday.
I love my dad because he always makes me try new things, he's really funny and he takes me to lots of new places.
Molly's Dad
My dad's name is Chris. He is 42 and he has brown hair, brown eyes and he is quite short. He is NOT a dwarf.
My dad is married to my step mum Pip and has four kids: me, Sylvie, Jimmy and John. Jimmy and John are my half brothers.
He works as a soundie in movies, TV shows and documentaries. He has worked on lots of films and TV shows including Tin Tin, The Wot Wots, Paradise Cafe, The Frighteners and The Lord of the Rings. At the moment he is working on the Hobbit. My Dad lives in Wellington but travels quite a bit for work. Usually he only travels around the North Island but sometimes he goes to other places and sometimes even to different countries!
Because Dad lives in Wellington, I don't see him every day. I fly to Wellington twice a term and we stay with him for two weeks in the school holidays and half the Christmas holidays.
I love my dad and I know he loves me too.
My dad is a man you would think is shy and quiet. He is also very nice and amazing at sailing.
He sailed in the South Korea and Barcelona Olympic Games. He also sailed in 3 America Cup challenges for Team New Zealand, Team Tag Heuer and Team Oracle. You can see his picture at the N.Z. Maritime Museum with Sir Peter Blake and the Steinlager Team when they won the Whitbread round the world race.
He is a master boat builder and good at making ropes. He also loves classic cars.
I love my dad and am very proud of him.
Chloe's Dad
My Dad is 35 years old and he is quite tall. He helps me almost every time I need it and it makes me feel special in a way. He used to help me with my maths because I used to struggle. He taught me how to fish.
He also helps me with my homework on tough questions, with my netball training and with my projects too.
My dad loves to play rugby but his knee cap popped out three times when he was younger. He still plays rugby but just with his mates.
Another sport he likes to play is tennis which he plays almost everyday.
I love my dad because he always makes me try new things, he's really funny and he takes me to lots of new places.
Molly's Dad
My dad's name is Chris. He is 42 and he has brown hair, brown eyes and he is quite short. He is NOT a dwarf.
My dad is married to my step mum Pip and has four kids: me, Sylvie, Jimmy and John. Jimmy and John are my half brothers.
He works as a soundie in movies, TV shows and documentaries. He has worked on lots of films and TV shows including Tin Tin, The Wot Wots, Paradise Cafe, The Frighteners and The Lord of the Rings. At the moment he is working on the Hobbit. My Dad lives in Wellington but travels quite a bit for work. Usually he only travels around the North Island but sometimes he goes to other places and sometimes even to different countries!
Because Dad lives in Wellington, I don't see him every day. I fly to Wellington twice a term and we stay with him for two weeks in the school holidays and half the Christmas holidays.
I love my dad and I know he loves me too.
Thursday, September 8
Juggling is in!
If you didn't catch our act at Friday's assembly, here's some photos of us practicing our juggling skills.
Science Rocks
We have been heads down and going for it with our investigations that we hope will be chosen to go into the Cawthron Science and Technology Fair in two weeks time.
Sunday, September 4
The Music Scene
We have a group of talented musicians and singers working on the skills required for playing in a band. These skills are hard! All of a sudden you need to be very precise with your timing to stay in sync (nothing worse than listening to a band where people are out of time), you need to listen to others and you need to practice hard so you do not let the group down.
This band and the Y8 one are practicing hard so that they can wow the crowds at Red Square on the 4th October.
This band and the Y8 one are practicing hard so that they can wow the crowds at Red Square on the 4th October.
Space Craft
A day spent imagining, innovating and creating resulted in some pretty awesome space vehicles set against planetary back drops.
Hope you enjoyed the trip beyond Planet Earth.
Hope you enjoyed the trip beyond Planet Earth.
Wednesday, August 24
Marble roll craze
We haven't added anything to our blog for ages! Why? Because we have been too busy doing stuff to get around to recording it here. But we are going to remedy that (hopefully) and get back into sharing what we are up to.
Sooo, first up...
Finlay started a bit of a marble roll craze when he rigged up some channels, tubes and tracks on the hessian board a couple of weeks ago. I was impressed with the triggered reaction where the marble on a string was triggered to hit and set another marble into action. Cool work Finlay.
Tait set up a marble roll and added coloured paper embellishments to his. And Jack turned part of his bedroom into a roller coaster for marbles.
Check out hte photos and videos below.
Tait adds colour and interest to our classroom.
Sooo, first up...
Finlay started a bit of a marble roll craze when he rigged up some channels, tubes and tracks on the hessian board a couple of weeks ago. I was impressed with the triggered reaction where the marble on a string was triggered to hit and set another marble into action. Cool work Finlay.
Tait set up a marble roll and added coloured paper embellishments to his. And Jack turned part of his bedroom into a roller coaster for marbles.
Check out hte photos and videos below.
Finlay's roller coaster for marbles
Jack's bedroom becomes a marble's adventure playground.
Tait adds colour and interest to our classroom.
Wednesday, July 6
It's going to be a Magical Mystery Tour
Everyone is flat out preparing for the Mapua School production, 'The Magical Mystery Tour'.
In Room 7 the desks have been pushed back, the exercise books are stacked away and the floor has been marked out as a stage. Our days are full of paper mache, material, feathers, beads and glitter as we recreate the Mexican legend, 'How Music was Fetched from Heaven'.
When we are not working on props, we work on perfecting our roles - staying focussed on what our character would be thinking, feeling and saying; using facial expressions, our voices and gestures to portray the character in a believable manner.
Unfortunately our dance teacher was unable to keep coming in to teach us so we have had to rework how we are going to end our scene - it's a bit rough at the moment but by the time we hit the stage we'll be fine...
We have put together some photos for you to see what we have been doing.
In Room 7 the desks have been pushed back, the exercise books are stacked away and the floor has been marked out as a stage. Our days are full of paper mache, material, feathers, beads and glitter as we recreate the Mexican legend, 'How Music was Fetched from Heaven'.
When we are not working on props, we work on perfecting our roles - staying focussed on what our character would be thinking, feeling and saying; using facial expressions, our voices and gestures to portray the character in a believable manner.
Unfortunately our dance teacher was unable to keep coming in to teach us so we have had to rework how we are going to end our scene - it's a bit rough at the moment but by the time we hit the stage we'll be fine...
We have put together some photos for you to see what we have been doing.
Sunday, July 3
Some of that good old Rock'n'Roll
Our Mission was
Wednesday, Week 7, Term 2
1:30pm, Dance Teacher of unknown intent enters the room
She will order you to DANCE YOUR PANTS OFF
If you survive... you will be rewarded greatly!
Do you accept your mission?
Tuesday, Week 9, Term 2
Boys doing their thing |
Room 7 really danced their pants off! First it started off with the dance teacher, Gemma, coming in through the door. She explained that her name was Gemma and then we started to listen and learn. Mrs Hosie explained that this was for the school's production and the song was going to be 'Gimme some of that good old Rock'n'Roll Music, by The Beatles.
We started off putting one foot in front of the other and stamping the front of our foot and clicking our fingers then it was a spin and clap. Then strike a pose for the boys and the girls did a shuffle up-and-down then the girls did their strike'a-pose and the boys did their thing.
It is going to look great - once we get all the moves so they are in time with the music and we are in unison!!!!
We started off putting one foot in front of the other and stamping the front of our foot and clicking our fingers then it was a spin and clap. Then strike a pose for the boys and the girls did a shuffle up-and-down then the girls did their strike'a-pose and the boys did their thing.
It is going to look great - once we get all the moves so they are in time with the music and we are in unison!!!!
Mapua, New Zealand
Tuesday, June 21
Library - boring? No way!
Room 7 goes to the library once a week like every other class but it's not possible they have as much fun as us!
We always have so much fun, some people think going to the library is boring but they don't go with Room 7.
We always have so much fun, some people think going to the library is boring but they don't go with Room 7.
Friday, May 27
Stopping Demonstration
In an effort to lower or eliminate the death toll of children being hit by vehicles on the road, the Transport Department are running demonstrations to show just how lethal speed can be. At present the statistics show that 17 children die each year as a result of being hit by a vehicle. I wonder what the statistics are for children being hurt or maimed due to being hit by vehicles?
Tait put together this Animoto video of the stopping demonstration held in Iwa Street, Mapua.
Tait put together this Animoto video of the stopping demonstration held in Iwa Street, Mapua.
Wednesday, May 18
Poetry In The Style Of Shel Silverstein
I cannot go to school today,
Said Little Jonny Ted McKay,
I feel sick, I'm constipated,
My brain power is over-rated!
I've been poisoned by a nuke,
And now I think I'm going to puke.
Down my leg-a cut, a gash,
Across my face, a big, red rash.
Inside my stomach are painful ails,
My head is full of big steel nails.
From last night, I'm completely drunk,
I think from school I'll do a bunk!
I'm to tired to socialise,
A day off school, that will make me rise!
I've got a headache, now I feel dizzy,
I've got a headache, now I feel dizzy,
One school day is just too busy.
From a fall I've a broken leg,
This injury's brought me down a peg!
I bumped my head, as I'm tall and lanky,
My Maths teacher is just so cranky.
My bladders like a leaking tap,
I can't go to school, I lost the map.
I've got cramp and a big black bruise,
Spots come up in ones and twos.
A wooden branch fell on my head,
It would be healthy to stay in bed!
I've gone green; I look like a frog,
I'm always trying to get to the bog.
My skin looks like lumpy custard,
My brain feels like a ton of mustard!
Last nights chicken gave me Salmonella,
I'm about to lose what makes me a fella!
Whats that? Whats that you say?
You say today is...Saturday?!
G'bye, I'm going out to play!
Monday, May 16
Friday, April 15
2011 Hot Summer Tornament
The Year 7 and 8 students have been practicing since Week 7 for the Summer Tournament of 2011. Volleyball, playball and Ultimate Frisbee were the games we played. We didn't win every game but we all had so much fun that it didn't matter. All together we had six Mapua teams. It was really great that we tried our hardest to be all we could be.
Crazy Camp by Molly
I stepped off the boat onto the the golden beach of Totaranui and nearly collapsed under the weight of my giant one hundred kilo bag. At least it felt like that. We walked up to the grass behind the information centre and sat down to have a snack. Then we had the killer walk up to the homestead. When we got up there we all had lunch in the hot summer sun. I had been looking forward to Room 7’s camp so much and we had finally got there.
We were sorting out our bunk room when Elena ran in, grabbed Kinsey’s drink bottle and ran out. I finished laying out my sleeping bag and ran out after her. Kinsey was sitting on the step with a flannel to her mouth. It had blood all over it. Her hand had a huge cut on it and her knees were grazed and looked sore. In a bag filled with ice was a tooth. An adult one and the longest one I had ever seen. Judith took Kinsey to the Golden Bay dentist where she met her dad. After having her tooth put back in, she went to Collingwood to stay at a friend’s house for the night.
It was Tuesday morning and everyone was sleeping peacefully when the parents and Mrs Hosie came running down the halls crashing pots and pans together! There was a lot of sighing and groaning as we all ran out onto the front lawn. We had all been expecting a fire drill, just not at 6.45 in the morning! Outside it was still dark and everyone was half asleep and shivering. Mrs Hosie didn’t seem to notice, “look at that beautiful sunrise everyone!” she cried. We all looked. It was pretty but we were all too sleepy to care. We numbered off and then went to get dressed.
After breakfast we got ready go on the big walk to Separation Point. We were climbing over the rocks to Mutton Cove when Kinsey came running along the beach shouting ”Elena! Elena! Wait for me!” Elena spun around and started running the other way. I wondered where she was going. Then I saw Kinsey and I started running too. She told us she had run nearly the whole way. We were amazed. We were walking and talking when all of a sudden something
ran up swung its arms around Kinsey and knocked her in the mouth. She yelped and then collapsed in pain on the sand. We realized that something was Nic. When Kinsey was feeling better we kept walking.
On Thursday we were walking to Goat Bay and I was really excited. It was only a half an hour walk and quite flat so it was easy. When we got there a wave of excitement hit me.The waves were huge, easily higher than my head, the sand was golden and smooth and the rocks were great for climbing on. We had morning tea and then I went to help Kinsey set up the trust game. Then I went swimming with Elena In the massive waves. I stepped into the water and a wave hit me. A big, powerful, salty wave knocked me on to the sand covering me with water. I sat up to see the face of Elena about an inch away from mine and I burst out laughing. We went out deeper where the waves couldn’t get us. We were only meant to go out where we could touch the bottom but no one could see my feet so it didn’t matter.
We went back to camp and everyone had a shower and washed their hair.
On Friday we woke up to another fire drill. I stopped to put on my shoes so my feet wouldn’t get cold. When we got outside Mrs Hosie told us it was Friday and that we needed to pack our bags and clean the homestead. I was amazed. Not because of the cleaning but because of the fact that it was Friday. I just couldn’t believe how fast camp had gone. It felt like just yesterday I had been comforting Elena when Kinsey had to go home. We had breakfast and went to pack our bags. Then we played games until it was time to catch the boat.
Wow that was an awesome camp. Over all my favourite day had to be Thursday a sleep in and a trip to Goat Bay,
laying in the sun, swimming in the waves, and climbing on the rocks. What could be better?
We were sorting out our bunk room when Elena ran in, grabbed Kinsey’s drink bottle and ran out. I finished laying out my sleeping bag and ran out after her. Kinsey was sitting on the step with a flannel to her mouth. It had blood all over it. Her hand had a huge cut on it and her knees were grazed and looked sore. In a bag filled with ice was a tooth. An adult one and the longest one I had ever seen. Judith took Kinsey to the Golden Bay dentist where she met her dad. After having her tooth put back in, she went to Collingwood to stay at a friend’s house for the night.
It was Tuesday morning and everyone was sleeping peacefully when the parents and Mrs Hosie came running down the halls crashing pots and pans together! There was a lot of sighing and groaning as we all ran out onto the front lawn. We had all been expecting a fire drill, just not at 6.45 in the morning! Outside it was still dark and everyone was half asleep and shivering. Mrs Hosie didn’t seem to notice, “look at that beautiful sunrise everyone!” she cried. We all looked. It was pretty but we were all too sleepy to care. We numbered off and then went to get dressed.
After breakfast we got ready go on the big walk to Separation Point. We were climbing over the rocks to Mutton Cove when Kinsey came running along the beach shouting ”Elena! Elena! Wait for me!” Elena spun around and started running the other way. I wondered where she was going. Then I saw Kinsey and I started running too. She told us she had run nearly the whole way. We were amazed. We were walking and talking when all of a sudden something
ran up swung its arms around Kinsey and knocked her in the mouth. She yelped and then collapsed in pain on the sand. We realized that something was Nic. When Kinsey was feeling better we kept walking.
On Thursday we were walking to Goat Bay and I was really excited. It was only a half an hour walk and quite flat so it was easy. When we got there a wave of excitement hit me.The waves were huge, easily higher than my head, the sand was golden and smooth and the rocks were great for climbing on. We had morning tea and then I went to help Kinsey set up the trust game. Then I went swimming with Elena In the massive waves. I stepped into the water and a wave hit me. A big, powerful, salty wave knocked me on to the sand covering me with water. I sat up to see the face of Elena about an inch away from mine and I burst out laughing. We went out deeper where the waves couldn’t get us. We were only meant to go out where we could touch the bottom but no one could see my feet so it didn’t matter.
We went back to camp and everyone had a shower and washed their hair.
On Friday we woke up to another fire drill. I stopped to put on my shoes so my feet wouldn’t get cold. When we got outside Mrs Hosie told us it was Friday and that we needed to pack our bags and clean the homestead. I was amazed. Not because of the cleaning but because of the fact that it was Friday. I just couldn’t believe how fast camp had gone. It felt like just yesterday I had been comforting Elena when Kinsey had to go home. We had breakfast and went to pack our bags. Then we played games until it was time to catch the boat.
Wow that was an awesome camp. Over all my favourite day had to be Thursday a sleep in and a trip to Goat Bay,

A.N.Z.A.C day for room 7
Room Seven went to founders park for an awesome ANZAC experience : ) We went to learn about what ANZAC stands for and to think about those who lost their lives in the war.
People were specially dressed up for the occasion and it was like living in a different world set in World War 2 times. We got to take part in several different experiences such as an air raid and tasting the food. Although I didn't like the carrot fudge, I did like the experience!!!
You can see some very cool pictures of our day out if you click on the following link : )
People were specially dressed up for the occasion and it was like living in a different world set in World War 2 times. We got to take part in several different experiences such as an air raid and tasting the food. Although I didn't like the carrot fudge, I did like the experience!!!
You can see some very cool pictures of our day out if you click on the following link : )
Friday, April 1
Hee hee, back at last!! : )
Finally camp has come and I'm sure you would love to see the photos!!!
Just getting started:) |
That's a nice palm tree. What do you t |
Here's some photos of.................. TRAMPING TUESDAY!!!
Water break! |
Made it to the beach!!! |
That's a big breaker! |
How good a view is that???? |
The seals at Separation Point - our destination point |
A refreshing swim at Anapai |
What's Lauryn doing? |
Tuesday, March 15
We have been learning about intelligence. To think more deeply about intelligence we had to write down what we thought intelligence was. these are some of the things we came up with:
- Intelligence and instinct can work together to create a reaction.
- If something has a working brain it is intelligent.
- Intelligence is the ability to know something, (only living things are intelligent).
Monday, March 14
Friday, March 11
A Very Special Visitor
On Friday 11 March, we were all set to get back into talking about fundraising for the Christchurch earthquake, Maia was going to tell us about a school in Lafayette, California, that is going to be raising funds for Christchurch too and next thing Taylor launched himself at this woman coming in throough the door of our class. Boy were we surprised. Then we found out that the woman was Sarah Cook, Taylor's mum .
Sarah is a fire fighter based at the Kilmore St Fire Station in Christchurch and has been in the thick of the rescue efforts. She came to our class because her son, Taylor, has joined our class while his mother has been so busy with here work and while his school has been closed. She wanted to thank us for looking after Taylor for her and so she gave us all an ice block.
She told us about how she was off duty when the earthquake struck and was able to go to Redcliff's School to pick up Taylor. Their home was undamaged and so was safe to be in. The person Sarah was most worried about once she had Taylor safe was his grandmother. She had been shopping at East Gate Mall and it had been badly hit. All was well with Sarah and Taylor's family.
When she went on duty later that night she was in the team that was helping at the CTV building. She said that the trauma for her was not the earthquake itself but the fact that they knew there were people trapped under the rubble but couldn't find them. She found it extremely hard to walk passed a husband who had been talking to his wife in the cellphone but she hadn't been rescued as the rescuers couldn't locate which part of the building she was in.
The subject eventually came around to hygiene and toilets. She told us that people were being very creative and inventive about building 'comfortable', private makeshift toilets.
Looters were discussed and we were all disgusted that people would steal from others - even worse that they were stealing things they did not need.
Travelling around Christchurch you see a lot of stickers on houses so Sarah told us what they meant.
Red stickers means a house is condemned
Yellow stickers mean limited access
Green sticker means fine, people can live in
It was great to hear Sarah's first hand report and to know that the fundraising we are going to be doing is a really worthwhile cause.
Sarah is a fire fighter based at the Kilmore St Fire Station in Christchurch and has been in the thick of the rescue efforts. She came to our class because her son, Taylor, has joined our class while his mother has been so busy with here work and while his school has been closed. She wanted to thank us for looking after Taylor for her and so she gave us all an ice block.
She told us about how she was off duty when the earthquake struck and was able to go to Redcliff's School to pick up Taylor. Their home was undamaged and so was safe to be in. The person Sarah was most worried about once she had Taylor safe was his grandmother. She had been shopping at East Gate Mall and it had been badly hit. All was well with Sarah and Taylor's family.
When she went on duty later that night she was in the team that was helping at the CTV building. She said that the trauma for her was not the earthquake itself but the fact that they knew there were people trapped under the rubble but couldn't find them. She found it extremely hard to walk passed a husband who had been talking to his wife in the cellphone but she hadn't been rescued as the rescuers couldn't locate which part of the building she was in.
The subject eventually came around to hygiene and toilets. She told us that people were being very creative and inventive about building 'comfortable', private makeshift toilets.
Looters were discussed and we were all disgusted that people would steal from others - even worse that they were stealing things they did not need.
Travelling around Christchurch you see a lot of stickers on houses so Sarah told us what they meant.
Red stickers means a house is condemned
Yellow stickers mean limited access
Green sticker means fine, people can live in
It was great to hear Sarah's first hand report and to know that the fundraising we are going to be doing is a really worthwhile cause.
Monday, March 7
Mapua makes a splash!
On the 21st of February, a hoard of children made for the Riwaka pool. Why? Because of the Mapua School's annual swimming sports!
Splashing and diving, the four houses competed for the highest amount of points. First up was the open, in which we had to compete in three different strokes.
Then was the backstroke, leaving most of the contestants shivering in the cloudy, cold morning. The breaststroke was also a great success, with diving, splashing and lots of fun! Thankfully, there were no injuries, Kurtis complained of a slightly bashed face! He accidentally got kicked in the face by another competitor.
Splashing and diving, the four houses competed for the highest amount of points. First up was the open, in which we had to compete in three different strokes.
Then was the backstroke, leaving most of the contestants shivering in the cloudy, cold morning. The breaststroke was also a great success, with diving, splashing and lots of fun! Thankfully, there were no injuries, Kurtis complained of a slightly bashed face! He accidentally got kicked in the face by another competitor.
Then it was the Butterfly demonstration with only a few people attempting to reach the other end. Three of the four made it; one of them didn't.
After that, the freestyle, with the racers diving in with a bang!(Literally!) Freestyle is the easiest stroke so almost everyone participated.The follow to freestyle was the little 'uns flutter board race! All the younger kids splashed their way to the end of the pool.
The final race was the teachers carry race. The rules? The teacher must remain on the chair. Rules broken? The teachers all started swimming! Although they did cling to the chair as well. Some very funny swimming techniques were demonstrated during that race!
As a perfect finish to a perfect day, the whole school dived in for 15 minutes of free time! "The only down side was that Red House won by over 200 points!" said Finlay.
At last, we returned to Mapua for the remaining hours of school!
At last, we returned to Mapua for the remaining hours of school!
Reported by Finlay,Tait and Nick
On your marks, get set, go! They were off for the Mapua School Triathlon on Friday the 11th of February 2011. It was the first whole school event of the year. Everyone in the school that raced was competing in their year groups. Everyone had butterflies in their stomachs but were still eager to have a go at it!
The year groups were sweating while they were running and riding their bikes.As soon as they got into the pool they felt refreshed straight away.
It was good to hear everyone cheering the competitors on.
Thanks to all the parents for coming along.
Thanks to all the parents for coming along.
Mapua's going under
On the 22 of February the Mapua School swimming sports took place in Riwaka. It was very nerve wracking and the longer it took, the harder it got to stand still said Kinsey.
When it was our turn, Mr Taylor shouted out 11 year old girls it's your turn. We stood on the side of the pool and crawled into what we thought was going to be cold water but it wasn't what we thought - the pool was milky warm.
When it was our turn, Mr Taylor shouted out 11 year old girls it's your turn. We stood on the side of the pool and crawled into what we thought was going to be cold water but it wasn't what we thought - the pool was milky warm.
We're tight shut in our ready position, then we heard a big BANG!!!!!
We were off, water splashing into our faces, arms tired like a mouse would be after being chased by a
cat. Finally we reached the end when I noticed that Emma was already in front of me. Better luck next time.
After waiting nervously on the side, Mr Taylor looked at us in a way saying you're on.
We all stood up....get in the ready position ....and suddenly everyone started to dive in. So I quickly
On Tuesday 22nd of February the rain threatened to pour down on the Riwaka School pool as the first competitors dived in for the open race. The open race is the one where you have to swim one length of backstroke, one length of breaststroke and one of freestyle in that order. BANG!! Splash! The first group of the open were off. This was the beginning of a tense, exciting and fun swimming event.
First up was the heats for backstroke, then breaststroke, then freestyle. The finals were held after all age groups had swum the different strokes. Everybody was nervous but excited at the same time.
First up was the heats for backstroke, then breaststroke, then freestyle. The finals were held after all age groups had swum the different strokes. Everybody was nervous but excited at the same time.
It was a hot summer's day - NOT!
It was wet, damp and drizzly. We loaded our gear into the cars and headed off to the Riwaka School pool for the Mapua School swimming sports. We all had mixed emotions about the event, On one hand we were excited and on the other hand we were nervous and cold waiting for our races to start.
It was wet, damp and drizzly. We loaded our gear into the cars and headed off to the Riwaka School pool for the Mapua School swimming sports. We all had mixed emotions about the event, On one hand we were excited and on the other hand we were nervous and cold waiting for our races to start.
The open was first, from years 5-8. Every now and then you would feel some cold water and every time you get butterflies in your stomach. The sound of kids cheering on their friends and siblings echoed through the air.
When it came to our races we were thinking, OMG can we do this? And guess what. We did it!
Tegan and I are in Red House so between us both we would have got a couple of points for Red House.
We both did the strokes breast stroke and freestyle.
When it came to our races we were thinking, OMG can we do this? And guess what. We did it!
Tegan and I are in Red House so between us both we would have got a couple of points for Red House.
We both did the strokes breast stroke and freestyle.
The Earthquake
Room 7 has four new students. They are from Christchurch and have come to Nelson because ...
On Tuesday 22 February 2011, Christchurch suffered a massive earthquake. Half of the CBD (central businesses district) got written off. My dad owns a restaurant. One of the staff member's mum got stuck in the CTV building.
I was in school starting social studies - and it happened. I dropped under my desk. I pulled my friend down with me. I was worried about my family and friends. At school our back field broke and lifted up and started spraying water everywhere. At home my house was destroyed. Unlivable, demolished and in ruins. One my dad's work men drove us up the day after the quake and we're staying with my granny in her cottage.
Suddenly the ground started shaking, everyone started running towards the middle of the field. The cliff started collapsing. Boulders were rolling down the cliff face and landing on houses. I was thinking about my family and friends would they be alright? When we looked around we saw that Redcliffs School was not going to be in business again for a long time. Although we were told we had to stay at school, we felt safe at school and were quite happy to be around our friends until my mum came to get me.
On Tuesday 22 February 2011, Christchurch suffered a massive earthquake. Half of the CBD (central businesses district) got written off. My dad owns a restaurant. One of the staff member's mum got stuck in the CTV building.
I was in school starting social studies - and it happened. I dropped under my desk. I pulled my friend down with me. I was worried about my family and friends. At school our back field broke and lifted up and started spraying water everywhere. At home my house was destroyed. Unlivable, demolished and in ruins. One my dad's work men drove us up the day after the quake and we're staying with my granny in her cottage.
Suddenly the ground started shaking, everyone started running towards the middle of the field. The cliff started collapsing. Boulders were rolling down the cliff face and landing on houses. I was thinking about my family and friends would they be alright? When we looked around we saw that Redcliffs School was not going to be in business again for a long time. Although we were told we had to stay at school, we felt safe at school and were quite happy to be around our friends until my mum came to get me.
Mapua dives in!
The morning butterflies were in our stomach as the bell rang. We shuffled into class with excitement and stress. Today, Tuesday the 22nd February 2011, we were going to have this year's annual swimming sports. We left the class and went to the court and waited for our drivers to pick us up to take us to swimming sports. We drove to Riwaka School where the swimming sports were held, and then the butterflies came back.
First, the open event where participants took part in a 3 length race. Backstroke, breaststroke then freestyle.
Second, the backstroke age events and then the best went into the Backstroke finals. Third, the backstroke and its finals.
Next, the butterfly demonstration where people showed their skills.
Then it was time for the freestyle and freestyle finals.
Second, the backstroke age events and then the best went into the Backstroke finals. Third, the backstroke and its finals.
Next, the butterfly demonstration where people showed their skills.
Then it was time for the freestyle and freestyle finals.
Next up were the relays where 5 teams (1 teacher team and 4 children's teams) took part in a 5 length race with their 5 contestants. The adults won that one.
The last event was the teacher carriers race where 4 students each held a leg of a chair with a teacher siting on it and raced down the pool.
Overall, everyone tried their best with Red House winning by over 200 points and then ending the day with a free swim. We all went home with huge smiles on our faces. :-)
Tuesday, March 1
Top Student Poll
Focussed 14 (70%)
Aims for accuracy 2 (10%)
Organised 11 (55%)
Learns from mistakes 10 (50%
Confidence 1 (5%)
Relaxed (not stressed) 5 (25%)
Trustworthy 2 (10%)
Good time management 3 (15%)
A1 quality presentation; behavior 5 (25%)
Uses a range of techniques 3 (15%)
Active thinker 2 (10%)
Creative 3 (15%)
Tries their hardest/best 12 (60%)
Open to learning 4 (20%)
Respectful of own and others' work environment 1 (5%)
Enjoys learning 9 (45%)
Curious 2 (10%)
Talks when necessary 1 (5%)
Active listener 5 (25%)
Positive attitude 9 (45%)
Follows instructions 3 (15%)
Sharing or communicating ideas 1 (5%)
What do these results tell us?
Our results for our post for the ideal student learner showed that The top 7 qualities were: being focussed, trying your hardest and doing your best, being organised, learning from your mistakes, enjoy learning and having a positive attitude.
What do these results mean for us as a learner?
If we have all these qualities we will be a successful learner. If you are a successful learner you will do well in life.
Which of these qualities do we already posses?
I think most of the students in Room 7 learn from mistakes. I think this is because we make quite a few mistakes but we normally don't do them again. Sometimes we are focussed (we made this our first class goal) and we are getting better at it.
What do you need to improve?
We really need to work on our organisation skills (well at least I do). Getting organised is our class goal this week.
Splish Splosh!
The 23rd of February, a beautiful day... not! It was a cool, rainy day. Anyway we left the school grounds - Maia, Vic and Grace - with Judith at the wheel. We raced to Riwaka School's pool for the Mapua 2011 swimming sports!!!
The first event was the Open race. The back stroke length came first - wow what a race;
next breast stroke with a close finish and last but not least the freestyle length that. After all the races it was time for some fun. The teacher's chair race, when 1 teacher from each house sits on a chair and four students pull them through the pool, the first to the end wins some house points.
Wow what a day, all the racing kids really deserved their warm towels after that.
Splish, splosh, splash
It was the 22nd of February and we were all looking forward to the day ahead. I was in my togs and ready to go. But there was one thing that I wasn't so pleased about - there was water falling from the sky. Guess what? It was raining. We ignored the rain, jumped into the cars and set off to Riwaka pool - after all we were going to get wet in the pool so a little rain was not going to be a problem.
We walked through the Riwaka School grounds, into the pool area and sat down. We waited for everyone to arrive and when Rooms 11, 7, 9 and 8 were all seated, our Principal, Mr Chalmers said, "Welcome to Mapua School's swimming sports."
"10 year old girls!" shouted Mr Taylor. Then we knew that it was our turn to go and do a length of backstroke.
The whistle blew and we jumped into the warm water.
"BANG!!!"went the gun, we were off. We were all rushing our way through the pool. The first to hit the end was Maisie, then Lauryn.
Next up was breaststroke. Mr T called out, "11 year old girls," and we stepped up to the mark. BANG!
Next up was breaststroke. Mr T called out, "11 year old girls," and we stepped up to the mark. BANG!
Over all the day was awesome.
By Molly H and Lauryn C
Monday, February 28
Fun Try-athlon Time!
Everyone was running as fast as they could.
As the sun was beating down on us with its fists of fury - 30 degrees C!
Everyone was running their hardest, puffing and panting!
Everyone was really getting tired but up next was the biking!
The bumpy track makes it impossible to not get exhausted trying.
Wednesday, February 23
The Mapua Domain
Mapua’s Absolutely Amazing Attraction
Do you want a place where you can play sports, ride bikes and have fun, well you are in luck! The Mapua Domain is Nelson's best park. It has a sports ground, a playground and a skate park. It might not be as big as Saxton or Neil Park but at Mapua you are in a safe and friendly environment, it is very sociable and everyone is willing to help out.
The Mapua Domain has brilliant sports equipment like tennis courts, cricket nets, a basket ball hoop, a full range of different sized soccer goals suitable for all ages. Then there is the actual field where you can do any thing from flying kites to racing remote control cars. It also has a small but enjoyable playground with swings, bars and slides so it is great for the younger ones too. Then there is the skate park, which has a concrete park and dirt jumps. The dirt jumps will test your nerve and courage while the skate park is suitable for all levels.
One of the best things about the Mapua Domain is that is in the center of the village so you are close to all the shops and other cool things in Mapua. It is also very easy to access, there are two car parks and a number of path ways to get in there.
Mapua Domain is a brilliant place to have fun, keep fit and hang out with friends. The Mapua Domain is a great place and you will have a fun filled time there.
Do you want a place where you can play sports, ride bikes and have fun, well you are in luck! The Mapua Domain is Nelson's best park. It has a sports ground, a playground and a skate park. It might not be as big as Saxton or Neil Park but at Mapua you are in a safe and friendly environment, it is very sociable and everyone is willing to help out.
The Mapua Domain has brilliant sports equipment like tennis courts, cricket nets, a basket ball hoop, a full range of different sized soccer goals suitable for all ages. Then there is the actual field where you can do any thing from flying kites to racing remote control cars. It also has a small but enjoyable playground with swings, bars and slides so it is great for the younger ones too. Then there is the skate park, which has a concrete park and dirt jumps. The dirt jumps will test your nerve and courage while the skate park is suitable for all levels.
One of the best things about the Mapua Domain is that is in the center of the village so you are close to all the shops and other cool things in Mapua. It is also very easy to access, there are two car parks and a number of path ways to get in there.
Mapua Domain is a brilliant place to have fun, keep fit and hang out with friends. The Mapua Domain is a great place and you will have a fun filled time there.
The Mapua Fun /Extreme / Park!!!!!
The wharf is a common fun place in Mapua. It has heaps of amazing things to do like swimming, going to the Aquarium, the bars and the restaurants that are provided.
Swimming is a good, fun way to cool off in the summer season. I recommend jumping off the wharf if you want an extra thrill. However, there are dangers if you are jumping off the wharf. Young swimmers should be supervised at all times. Young children should always wear something that floats such as a life jacket. It's really good fun.
There is also some slippery mud on the mud flats. You can have so much fun, like mud slides to mud fights but this is not recommend for younger kids you could get hurt if there is a stone in the mud that you are throwing then wash off by taking a dip in the water or jumping off the wharf .
Another fun place is Touch the Sea Aquarium. There are so many fish - and you can pat them. How cool is that? There sharks, sting rays, eels...
So if you want a fun amazing place, I recommend Mapua wharf.
Swimming is a good, fun way to cool off in the summer season. I recommend jumping off the wharf if you want an extra thrill. However, there are dangers if you are jumping off the wharf. Young swimmers should be supervised at all times. Young children should always wear something that floats such as a life jacket. It's really good fun.
There is also some slippery mud on the mud flats. You can have so much fun, like mud slides to mud fights but this is not recommend for younger kids you could get hurt if there is a stone in the mud that you are throwing then wash off by taking a dip in the water or jumping off the wharf .
Another fun place is Touch the Sea Aquarium. There are so many fish - and you can pat them. How cool is that? There sharks, sting rays, eels...
So if you want a fun amazing place, I recommend Mapua wharf.
Thursday, February 10
Welcome back to 2011!!!!!!!!!!!!
The first two weeks of 2011 have been really cool especially catching up with friends!
So far we have been learning about one another, cognitive (that funny word means thinking) organisers, Multiple Intelligences, learning styles, preferences and Habits of Mind. We are learning about these things because they help us to know about our brain - how it works and how we learn best.
Check out the blog ideas mind map that Grace, Kurtis and Elena came up with.
So far we have been learning about one another, cognitive (that funny word means thinking) organisers, Multiple Intelligences, learning styles, preferences and Habits of Mind. We are learning about these things because they help us to know about our brain - how it works and how we learn best.
Check out the blog ideas mind map that Grace, Kurtis and Elena came up with.
The photos below show us working hard.
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