Sunday, February 28

Week 5 News

Wow, the first day of autumn is here! Not exactly what we want to hear right now so I'll stop on that subject. 
Camp is only 1 week away and we are going to be doing a lot of work leading up to the main event.  The students will be bringing their books home to share with you the activities they can look forward to while at Bridge Valley Ultimate Camp.  The rest of the information and news is on the news sheet for you.

Enjoy the week ahead.

Monday, February 22

Week 4 News

The swimming sports were an amazing event to be a part of. All students were out there doing their best to achieve personal bests and trying to win their way into a place on the Inter-school swimming team. I'll let them tell the story on the blog rather than do it for them so do come back and check out their version of events.  Meanwhile here is the news and task sheet for Week 4.

Thursday, February 18

Multiple Intelligences

We have been discussing and learning more about intelligence. 
Lara said you can't really be intelligent without a working brain.
Max said that intelligence is linked to brain functions. 
Emma said that all living creatures, not just humans, have intelligence.
Jasmin said that intelligence is about thinking, deciding and doing things.
Jake said he now knows there are different types of intelligence.
James said that everybody has a type of intelligence.
Isaac said that if you have a talent that it is a type of intelligence.

We have started to profile our own strengths and preferences using Howard Gardner's Multpile Intelligences.  Below is an idea that you could use for your Multiple Intelligences poster.

Monday, February 15

Week 3 News

I was impressed by the informative and creative 'It's All About Me' presentations last week. They have helped us to get to know one another a little better and have showcased our different 'Smarts' or Multiple Intelligences. (Hope you gave your support team aka parents a big vote of thanks for their help.)
As part of our maths learning Kelly has posted a survey to find out what our parents (or anyone else who visits our blog) felt about their school days.  Please help her out and vote to show your thoughts and feelings.
More news and the student tasks for the week on the News sheet.


Monday, February 8

Week 2 News

Our first news posting for 2010.  Kelly has taken on the blog entries showcasing some of our class activities and is doing a fine job.  These weekly news and home learning sheets will be posted by me on a Monday for you to refer to.  By clicking on the thumbnail you will get a larger version which can then be enlarged even more so that you can read it online.
Have a great week and hope to see you at the Meet the Teacher evening and or the Triathlon.

Friday, February 5

Rm 7's Name Art

In the first week of term Rm 7 made some awesome Name Art. These kites represent us and our individual creativity as we are aiming high for academic success! First, we had to do some experimenting with colours in our art books with our coloured pencils. Next we needed to get some scrap paper and use the pastels and the 4 colours we had chosen to plan out our real design. Then we drew our designs in pencil and finally we coloured them in, and we ended up with a whole bunch of really cool Name Art Kites! When they are up on the wall we will post photos of them for you.

Welcome to Room 7!

Welcome to Room 7! Wow! It's 2010 and our class is set with a bunch of awesome kids to make the most of this year. The lucky Mrs Hosie will be our teacher this year, so we won't get into too much trouble! Everyone will have a really great year thanks to Mrs Hosie and the rest of Rm 7!