Monday, November 29
Sunday, November 28
Welcome to the penultimate week of the 2010 academic year!
Everyone enjoyed Pet Day on Wednesday. There was a lovely relaxed and happy atmosphere as everyone concentrated on preparing their entries for the various sections.
Waiting for the judges to do their thing was made more bearable because of the fun generated by the team games - gumboot throwing, tug-o-war, ball and spoon (we couldn't afford the eggs!), sack races, etc.

We are looking forward to our Responsibilities Assembly on Tuesday morning at 11 am and hope you can make it too.
Of course the highlight of the week ahead is the trip to the Aquatics Centre and Rabbit Island. Hope the weather stays as hot as it was this weekend. Students are encouraged to bring their togs every day from now on as the pool has been filled and we will go for a swim each day, weather permitting.
Waiting for the judges to do their thing was made more bearable because of the fun generated by the team games - gumboot throwing, tug-o-war, ball and spoon (we couldn't afford the eggs!), sack races, etc.

We are looking forward to our Responsibilities Assembly on Tuesday morning at 11 am and hope you can make it too.
Of course the highlight of the week ahead is the trip to the Aquatics Centre and Rabbit Island. Hope the weather stays as hot as it was this weekend. Students are encouraged to bring their togs every day from now on as the pool has been filled and we will go for a swim each day, weather permitting.
Monday, November 22
News and Home Tasks Term 4 Week 7
Another great week coming up as we prepare for the final assemblies and the end of year school wide extra curricula activities. Check out our photos from the Whenua Iti challenge day.
Monday, November 15
News and Home Tasks Term 4 Week 6
Funny how everyone seemed to be a little tired to day... I wonder whether going hard out for athletics on Saturday is the reason?
Thanks for coming along and supporting your child. It was a fantastic family event.
We are all looking forward to the Red Carpet disco on Thursday night. Time for me to find some glad rags to wear...
Thanks for coming along and supporting your child. It was a fantastic family event.
We are all looking forward to the Red Carpet disco on Thursday night. Time for me to find some glad rags to wear...
Sunday, November 7
News and Home Tasks Term 4 Week 5
Looking forward to another great week. Preparation for athletics on Saturday is the main focus for this week. Think of ways you could prepare yourself as part of your home learning - a run, throwing a ball at a target, ... what can you think of? Share your ideas with the class at roll call time.
Monday, November 1
News and Home Tasks Term 4 Week 4
Wednesday, October 27
Report Writing

Are you looking for fun, adventure and a place to hang out?
Kina Beach is a beautiful place where families and friends can spend time together. It has room for your entire family to have fun with their friends or just enjoy the water and sun.
Kina Beach is fun, holds interesting things and is a great place to swim or have a picnic. There was once about 20 killer whales 100m off the low tide line, so you might be lucky and get to whale watch to add to the fun.
Kina Beach is a popular place and is attracting people looking for property. There was going to be a huge mansion built right in front of the beach. Until they received such a great amount of complaints that they were forced to stop building. If they had finished the house, the wonderful privacy of Kina would have been lost.
Many years ago, the cliffs of Kina crumbled away and created fun caves for children and revealed a few fossils for adults. Kina also holds other interesting things like colourful stones, interesting shaped wood and who knows what else!
One of the best things about Kina is...
IT’S COMPLETELY FREE!!! That’s right, a day at the beach, a picnic and a swim is completely free! I’ve heard on that one beach, it’s 80 Euros just to sit on the sand!
Tasman has been made a whole lot better because it has a fantastic beach to walk, run, sit, play, picnic, swim and relax on. Collecting things makes hours on end of fun. And is even more fun at home when you get artsy craftsy and create things out of them.
You will find the Kina Area when you turn of the main road from Nelson and follow the mud flats down Kina Beach Rd. When you come to

So if you’re looking for a place that’s open all year round,is cost free and is heaps of fun, then you’ve found one! Grab a bunch of friends or family and head down to Kina for a fun day on the beach. It doesn’t matter who you are or who you bring, Kina Beach and Cliffs are perfect for anyone and everyone!
Kelly Prosser
Mapua School
Monday, October 25
News and Home Tasks Term 4 Week 3
A four day week packed full of goodies : ) Rock on Room 7 band on Tuesday! Photos will be posted on Wednesday - maybe a video...
See what the week ahead holds on the home tasks sheet and then check out the interactive activity above. What is the Science behind it? Add it to your portfolio if you think it is significant for your understandings of Forces. Don't forget to explain how it is significant.
See what the week ahead holds on the home tasks sheet and then check out the interactive activity above. What is the Science behind it? Add it to your portfolio if you think it is significant for your understandings of Forces. Don't forget to explain how it is significant.
Sunday, October 17
News and Home Tasks Term 4 Week 2
A great week ahead - check out our news and tasks to extend our Habits of Mind and Key Competencies.
Sunday, October 10
It's back to school we go...
Hi everyone, welcome to Term 4.
Hope you managed to squeeze in some fun times before the Spring break was over. It's always amazing how fast two weeks can go! Welcome back to our overseas trippers. I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone as the Term progresses. Check out the News and activities sheet for info for the week ahead.
Hope you managed to squeeze in some fun times before the Spring break was over. It's always amazing how fast two weeks can go! Welcome back to our overseas trippers. I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone as the Term progresses. Check out the News and activities sheet for info for the week ahead.
Monday, September 20
Friday, September 17
Talents in action
On Friday each talent group shared the learning and outcomes of Term 3's learning for their particular talent. It was fantastic to hear and see what each group had been working on.
The music group performed a variety of pieces show casing their ability to sing and play a variety of instruments. The drama group entertained us with a number of skits and situations. The film crew talked us through the process they went through to produce their advertisement for a parent improvement formula - very clever. The technology group talked about how they learnt to use the different levels of Blooms thinking to help them create successful products and got everyone to help them select which trophy should be used for the Blog of the Week trophy. The website team are still busy working on the school website which will be unveiled and decided on next Term.
Check out grace's Animoto video of the groups in action.
The music group performed a variety of pieces show casing their ability to sing and play a variety of instruments. The drama group entertained us with a number of skits and situations. The film crew talked us through the process they went through to produce their advertisement for a parent improvement formula - very clever. The technology group talked about how they learnt to use the different levels of Blooms thinking to help them create successful products and got everyone to help them select which trophy should be used for the Blog of the Week trophy. The website team are still busy working on the school website which will be unveiled and decided on next Term.
Check out grace's Animoto video of the groups in action.
Wednesday, September 15
Year 7 band members jam with Easy Tigers
Easy Tigers are a local Mapua Band. The members are Tracy Duncan as the singer, Tony Jemmett as the drummer, Kim Francis as the keyboardist and backup singer, David Francis as the base and Richard Thomas as the electric guitarist. It was great listening to them as they practiced for their next gig.

The penultimate week of Term 3. it's going to be a good one.
Sunday, September 12
Max in france
As soon as I got of the plane I realised that I was in for a hot time in Hong Kong. When my family got into the terminal we were directed to a taxi and were driven straight to our front door. When we got to the hotel I walked inside and felt the cool blast of air conditioning. It felt fantastic. I really don't like hot temperatures!
When we had checked into the hotel I plodded towards the lifts. The lifts were really beautiful. They had golden doors. They took a while to come because the building had over 30 floors. When we were inside the lift I noticed that the 4th,14th and the 24 floor was missing from the building. Apparently the Chinese people think that the number 4 is evil and it meant death. The 32nd floor was our floor and as soon as we got into our room I looked through the window and saw how high we were. The people down below looked like ants and the cars looked like toy cars.
Hong Kong was like this:
We saw lots of the old people pulling rubbish carts around the streets. I think this is because they didn't have any money to live so they had to do what they could to earn some. We also saw many people who were poor. We could tell by their clothes that were ripped and dirty.
There were lots of lit up signs, so it was very bright at night. There were loads of cars that always beeped their horns. It was very busy and densely populated. There were loads of people on the streets and it looked like most of the people lived in apartments. The apartments were tall and squashed together. Most of the buildings were very crumbly. All the washing was hung up outside of the buildings. I thought that it wouldn't be very clean because of all the dust and dirt of the city.
There were lots of street markets that sold fish and fruit and vegetables. They also sold things like chicken feet and meat that was hanging outside with all the dust and heat. We went to one street market that sold lots of goldfish and angelfish. Chinese people think goldfish are lucky.
It was surprising that there were no flies because usually hot places have loads of flies. The other surprising thing is that there were not alot of birds. Maybe it is because all the buildings are so high and maybe because there is not alot of green trees.
Hong Kong was a really interesting place because the way of life seemed so difficult and different.
When we had checked into the hotel I plodded towards the lifts. The lifts were really beautiful. They had golden doors. They took a while to come because the building had over 30 floors. When we were inside the lift I noticed that the 4th,14th and the 24 floor was missing from the building. Apparently the Chinese people think that the number 4 is evil and it meant death. The 32nd floor was our floor and as soon as we got into our room I looked through the window and saw how high we were. The people down below looked like ants and the cars looked like toy cars.
Hong Kong was like this:
We saw lots of the old people pulling rubbish carts around the streets. I think this is because they didn't have any money to live so they had to do what they could to earn some. We also saw many people who were poor. We could tell by their clothes that were ripped and dirty.
There were lots of lit up signs, so it was very bright at night. There were loads of cars that always beeped their horns. It was very busy and densely populated. There were loads of people on the streets and it looked like most of the people lived in apartments. The apartments were tall and squashed together. Most of the buildings were very crumbly. All the washing was hung up outside of the buildings. I thought that it wouldn't be very clean because of all the dust and dirt of the city.
There were lots of street markets that sold fish and fruit and vegetables. They also sold things like chicken feet and meat that was hanging outside with all the dust and heat. We went to one street market that sold lots of goldfish and angelfish. Chinese people think goldfish are lucky.
It was surprising that there were no flies because usually hot places have loads of flies. The other surprising thing is that there were not alot of birds. Maybe it is because all the buildings are so high and maybe because there is not alot of green trees.
Hong Kong was a really interesting place because the way of life seemed so difficult and different.
Here are some Photos of my Trip to Calgary
They have finally arrived!
Part 1:
Part 2:
We will remember our trip forever!
Friday, September 10
Inter-school Speech Competition
Second place in the Motueka Inter-school speech competitions is fantastic! We're proud of you James.
Wednesday, September 8
Special message to James
We're Back in Montana
Well everyone, we made it. We are back in Billings, Montana. We drove the full 10 hours all day today! Wow, that was a lot of hard work. When we were driving, we passed a hill/peak/mountain type thing that had a top as flat as, well as flat as a piece of thin paper.
Our vacation was a blast! I promise, I will post an "Animoto" video as soon as I have all our photos downloaded.
I miss all you guys!
Our vacation was a blast! I promise, I will post an "Animoto" video as soon as I have all our photos downloaded.
I miss all you guys!
Tuesday, September 7
Our Last Day (Heritage Park)
Hi everyone. Well, today we visited the Heritage Park. (Which is a bit like Shantytown. It is a town "modeling" the old west.)
We drove there, very thrilled. When we arrived, there was a train sort of thing to drive us to the entrance of the park. When we arrived in the park, we got our gate admissions and we headed over to "Gasoline Alley." (Which is a museum with a whole bunch of old cars and gasoline pumps in it.)
We exited "Gasoline Alley" and walked up this path, which seemed to take a lifetime to walk up. When we got to the top of the hill we entered Heritage Park. We got train tickets and took the train to the other side of the park where we took a boat ride around this lake. And I have to say, the boat ride was very chilly but awesome. After we jumped off the boat, we headed to this train museum, which was this big shed full of trains and snowplows. Between the time that we exited the train museum and exited the park, we ate lunch at a fancy restaurant, saw a hysterical play, visited an old school house, visited a victorian house, had ice-cream, visited a candy shop, and rode some rides.
We got back to the hotel, swam, ate dinner, and-oh I see I have to go know.
We drove there, very thrilled. When we arrived, there was a train sort of thing to drive us to the entrance of the park. When we arrived in the park, we got our gate admissions and we headed over to "Gasoline Alley." (Which is a museum with a whole bunch of old cars and gasoline pumps in it.)
We exited "Gasoline Alley" and walked up this path, which seemed to take a lifetime to walk up. When we got to the top of the hill we entered Heritage Park. We got train tickets and took the train to the other side of the park where we took a boat ride around this lake. And I have to say, the boat ride was very chilly but awesome. After we jumped off the boat, we headed to this train museum, which was this big shed full of trains and snowplows. Between the time that we exited the train museum and exited the park, we ate lunch at a fancy restaurant, saw a hysterical play, visited an old school house, visited a victorian house, had ice-cream, visited a candy shop, and rode some rides.
We got back to the hotel, swam, ate dinner, and-oh I see I have to go know.
Today we woke up to yet another "Breakfast Fit for Kings." Then we hopped in the car to ride of to Banff for the day.
When we arrived in Banff, I discovered that it is a quite little town full of modern day shops and hotels. We kept driving down the street until we came to what looked like a castle! But then my Dad explained to us that it was a hotel (Fairmont Hotel), one of the finest in the World. We walked inside and it just took our breath away, literally. It was as grand as a castle and as medieval as Scotland. When we were finished exploring all the shops and restaurants and lobbies, we headed into the town of Banff to get some lunch.
We ate at Tommy's Neighborhood Pub. I had a Greek Burger. It was delectable!
After lunch, we headed off to do some shopping. (I think you can all picture me there.) Then after we went shopping, we went to Starbuck's. Because everyone knows that when you're on a shopping spree for the day, it just isn't complete without a visit to Starbuck's.
Then we got back in the car and drove up this highway and saw all of these breathtaking (and I mean stunning) mountains with snow on them. We arrived at Lake Louise where there was another Fairmont Hotel. We walked partly around Lake Louise, then headed back to our hotel because everyone was exhausted.
Have to go.
When we arrived in Banff, I discovered that it is a quite little town full of modern day shops and hotels. We kept driving down the street until we came to what looked like a castle! But then my Dad explained to us that it was a hotel (Fairmont Hotel), one of the finest in the World. We walked inside and it just took our breath away, literally. It was as grand as a castle and as medieval as Scotland. When we were finished exploring all the shops and restaurants and lobbies, we headed into the town of Banff to get some lunch.
We ate at Tommy's Neighborhood Pub. I had a Greek Burger. It was delectable!
After lunch, we headed off to do some shopping. (I think you can all picture me there.) Then after we went shopping, we went to Starbuck's. Because everyone knows that when you're on a shopping spree for the day, it just isn't complete without a visit to Starbuck's.
Then we got back in the car and drove up this highway and saw all of these breathtaking (and I mean stunning) mountains with snow on them. We arrived at Lake Louise where there was another Fairmont Hotel. We walked partly around Lake Louise, then headed back to our hotel because everyone was exhausted.
Have to go.
Monday, September 6
Week 8 Home Learning and News
A very busy sporting time at present with dance exams, gymnastic championships, netball, etc. A good time to thank all of you for giving your time and energies to ensure that your children have these opportunities.
I hope those of you with family in Christchurch know that they are all safe although no doubt a little shaken by the experience - no pun intended.
I will be handing over the reins to Mrs Fish again on Wednesday and Thursday as I am attending an ICT seminar on Wednesday and am working with Mandy planning for Term 4.
Check out what we are up to this week on the newsletter and check out what Zarek and his family are up to in Calgary on the blog posts below.
I hope those of you with family in Christchurch know that they are all safe although no doubt a little shaken by the experience - no pun intended.
I will be handing over the reins to Mrs Fish again on Wednesday and Thursday as I am attending an ICT seminar on Wednesday and am working with Mandy planning for Term 4.
Check out what we are up to this week on the newsletter and check out what Zarek and his family are up to in Calgary on the blog posts below.
Sunday, September 5
Our First Full Day (The Zoo)
Today we woke up and strolled on down to the breakfast buffet, and when we got down there, I took one glance at it and saw that it was a "Breakfast Fit for Kings." I stuffed my face with mouth-watering dishes like scrambled eggs, omelets, and cinnamon rolls.
After breakfast, we walked outside to the trams/trains and had so much trouble paying for our tickets because we didn't have any change. But then we realised (or rather I realised) that the people on the train didn't even ask to see our tickets, so it was kind of a waste of money.
When we arrived at the zoo, we rushed in to see the dinosaur exhibits. Once we were fully in the dinosuar "habitat", we noticed that we were going to be walking against fake rock that looked like a big canyon full of automated dinos. There were even some control panels to control the dinosaurs by pushing different buttons. (But of course, my siblings attacked the control panels.) We exited the dinosaur area and passed through the Canadian Wild Lands. I didn't find the Canadian animals' habitats very exciting because I see those animals all the time while my family drives around the countryside here. But there was one animal that did catch my eye, and that was the Wood Bison. The information panel said it was supposed to be the largest land mammal in North America, but I didn't believe it because I have seen some pretty fat cows around. We crossed the bridge to the other half of the zoo and had lunch at the Kitamba Cafe. Then we walked over to listen to a talk this zookeeper was giving about the zoo's gorillas and gorillas just in general. It started to rain, so we walked into this big indoor rainforest. I am so sorry but I cannot describe the beauty of the rainforest but I can tell you this; it was just the right temperature for a rainforest. When we walked out of there, we went into this indoor conservatory that had beatiful gardens and butterflies. (It was really amazing because the butterflies were just free to room the conservatory.) After that we went to see the hippos, porcupines, and giraffes, which were also indoor. Then we went to see the camels and the elephants. Everyone was starting to get a little tired, so we left the zoo with memories to remember.
We arrived back at the hotel, went swimming like yesterday, and had Domino's deliver our pizza to our room for dinner.
Well, got to go. It is getting late.
After breakfast, we walked outside to the trams/trains and had so much trouble paying for our tickets because we didn't have any change. But then we realised (or rather I realised) that the people on the train didn't even ask to see our tickets, so it was kind of a waste of money.
When we arrived at the zoo, we rushed in to see the dinosaur exhibits. Once we were fully in the dinosuar "habitat", we noticed that we were going to be walking against fake rock that looked like a big canyon full of automated dinos. There were even some control panels to control the dinosaurs by pushing different buttons. (But of course, my siblings attacked the control panels.) We exited the dinosaur area and passed through the Canadian Wild Lands. I didn't find the Canadian animals' habitats very exciting because I see those animals all the time while my family drives around the countryside here. But there was one animal that did catch my eye, and that was the Wood Bison. The information panel said it was supposed to be the largest land mammal in North America, but I didn't believe it because I have seen some pretty fat cows around. We crossed the bridge to the other half of the zoo and had lunch at the Kitamba Cafe. Then we walked over to listen to a talk this zookeeper was giving about the zoo's gorillas and gorillas just in general. It started to rain, so we walked into this big indoor rainforest. I am so sorry but I cannot describe the beauty of the rainforest but I can tell you this; it was just the right temperature for a rainforest. When we walked out of there, we went into this indoor conservatory that had beatiful gardens and butterflies. (It was really amazing because the butterflies were just free to room the conservatory.) After that we went to see the hippos, porcupines, and giraffes, which were also indoor. Then we went to see the camels and the elephants. Everyone was starting to get a little tired, so we left the zoo with memories to remember.
We arrived back at the hotel, went swimming like yesterday, and had Domino's deliver our pizza to our room for dinner.
Well, got to go. It is getting late.
Saturday, September 4
Arriving in Calgary (Like in a Dream)
Today we made it into Calgary and boy is it huge! Our hotel (Sheraton Suites) is really nice and big.
We got here at a pretty descent time, so we went to the mall and had some lunch there at Subway. And then we walked about a mile and a half to the Telus Science Museum for Kids (which is kind of like Science Alive in Christchurch) and had a blast! And here is something really cool; on one of the labels on one of the activities there it said: Science Alive New Zealand's Science Centre. How cool is that!?There was a bed of nails where you lay down on this bed of (what looks like) plastic and a partner pushes this button and a whole bunch of nails come up and lift you up off the plastic. It feels really awesome! After that we went to the cafe there and got some smoothies. I got mango and the rest of my siblings got wild berry. I tried wild berry, but it tasted disgusting!
After the science museum, we dragged ourselves back to the hotel and swam in the pool there for a while. The pool had a "super grande" sized water slide. We enjoyed piling ourselves into it all at once, (and believe me, that was no small task) and then all sliding out at once.
After we tired ourselves out from swimming for an hour and a half, we strolled over to The Old Spaghetti Factory for some delicious dinner. That restaurant has some pretty old antiques and stained glass windows to make us feel like we were eating in a restaurant in actual Italy. I ordered Chicken Pesto Alfredo spaghetti and it was so filling, I only ate half of it. But it was good. The tomatoes in it were the juiciest tomatoes I have ever laid eye (or tongue) on.
Anyway, got to go. It is already almost 9:00.
We got here at a pretty descent time, so we went to the mall and had some lunch there at Subway. And then we walked about a mile and a half to the Telus Science Museum for Kids (which is kind of like Science Alive in Christchurch) and had a blast! And here is something really cool; on one of the labels on one of the activities there it said: Science Alive New Zealand's Science Centre. How cool is that!?There was a bed of nails where you lay down on this bed of (what looks like) plastic and a partner pushes this button and a whole bunch of nails come up and lift you up off the plastic. It feels really awesome! After that we went to the cafe there and got some smoothies. I got mango and the rest of my siblings got wild berry. I tried wild berry, but it tasted disgusting!
After the science museum, we dragged ourselves back to the hotel and swam in the pool there for a while. The pool had a "super grande" sized water slide. We enjoyed piling ourselves into it all at once, (and believe me, that was no small task) and then all sliding out at once.
After we tired ourselves out from swimming for an hour and a half, we strolled over to The Old Spaghetti Factory for some delicious dinner. That restaurant has some pretty old antiques and stained glass windows to make us feel like we were eating in a restaurant in actual Italy. I ordered Chicken Pesto Alfredo spaghetti and it was so filling, I only ate half of it. But it was good. The tomatoes in it were the juiciest tomatoes I have ever laid eye (or tongue) on.
Anyway, got to go. It is already almost 9:00.
Friday, September 3
Halfway There
Well, the first 5 hours of our drive was as smooth as polished rock. We left Billings at 2:00 p.m. and arrived in Lethbridge at about 9:15 p.m. In between those hours, we visited a gas station that was in the middle of nowhere and smelt like leather, stopped in the town of Great Falls and ate dinner at McDonald's, and spotted the planet Venus in the night sky. Right now we are in the city of Lethbridge, about 250 kilometres away from our destination of Calgary. I am so excited to arrive in Calgary tomorrow! Well I have to go to bed now.
See you later!
See you later!
Thursday, September 2
Getting Ready for Calgary
Well Room 7, it's Zarek here again. And tomorrow me and my family head off to Calgary. I am so excited! I have been really busy with packing my clothes and stuff. We are going to go to the zoo and - oh, wait, I can't tell you, it's a surprise. Anyway, I have to get back to my home-schooling. I'll write to you tomorrow and tell you how the first half (5 hours) of the long drive (10 hours) went. See you.
Sunday, August 29
News and Home Tasks Term 3 Week 7
Hi everyone
Another great week last week. Lots happening with Technology challenge preparation, great raps being composed, baby sitting brochures, band practice, kapahaka practice, preparing for the Winter Tournament, .... never a dull moment here at school that's for sure.
I love it when we have a good debate in class. One of these was about whether the word vehicle has a long 'e' sound or short. I think it has a long 'e' sound, what do you think? Leave a comment to let us know.
Do take a look at the collaborative story at James started the story and now the rest of the class are joining in and adding to it. It is worth visiting to read what they have written so far.
It was good to read Zarek's news. We are still hanging out to hear from Matheus and Alex. Come on guys, don't be shy. Hope you are both well and having a good time settling in to your new schools.
Another great week last week. Lots happening with Technology challenge preparation, great raps being composed, baby sitting brochures, band practice, kapahaka practice, preparing for the Winter Tournament, .... never a dull moment here at school that's for sure.
I love it when we have a good debate in class. One of these was about whether the word vehicle has a long 'e' sound or short. I think it has a long 'e' sound, what do you think? Leave a comment to let us know.
Do take a look at the collaborative story at James started the story and now the rest of the class are joining in and adding to it. It is worth visiting to read what they have written so far.
It was good to read Zarek's news. We are still hanging out to hear from Matheus and Alex. Come on guys, don't be shy. Hope you are both well and having a good time settling in to your new schools.
What a week Zarek has had!
Hey Room 7! First of all, I miss all you guys! Now, let me tell you about the awesome week I have had here in America.
On Tuesday me and my family went to the Montana Fair. At the fair, I went on a whole bunch of spectacular rides. But my favourite ride was either the "Himalaya" or the "Starship 4000." On the "Himalaya", you get in a car and the car just keeps driving around and around until it is going fast enough to have vomit exploding from your mouth. And the "Starship 4000" is a doozy too. You load onto this spaceship looking room that spins so speedy fast, that when it is going its speediest, you get pressed up against these boards that go up and down according to the gravity level inside the ship. Pretty cool, huh?
Listen to this; my siblings and I started being home-schooled on Wednesday! Everyday, I start school with four pages of my work book. Then I move onto my writing, then my maths, then my science, until finally I get study time. It's kind of weird being home-schooled.
Also during the week ( I actually I just got back from it), me, my parents, and my brothers went to see The Beach Boys in concert at The Alberta Bair Theatre. They rocked the house with songs like Surfin' U.S.A. and Do It Again. I wore my T-shirt with palm trees on it because palm trees are usaully found on beaches where The Beach Boys are, right?
In about one week me and my family are going to go visit Calgary (that's a city in Canada). It is a 10 hour drive one way so, it is going to be along drive. But more about that next time.
This is Zarek signing off.
On Tuesday me and my family went to the Montana Fair. At the fair, I went on a whole bunch of spectacular rides. But my favourite ride was either the "Himalaya" or the "Starship 4000." On the "Himalaya", you get in a car and the car just keeps driving around and around until it is going fast enough to have vomit exploding from your mouth. And the "Starship 4000" is a doozy too. You load onto this spaceship looking room that spins so speedy fast, that when it is going its speediest, you get pressed up against these boards that go up and down according to the gravity level inside the ship. Pretty cool, huh?
Listen to this; my siblings and I started being home-schooled on Wednesday! Everyday, I start school with four pages of my work book. Then I move onto my writing, then my maths, then my science, until finally I get study time. It's kind of weird being home-schooled.
Also during the week ( I actually I just got back from it), me, my parents, and my brothers went to see The Beach Boys in concert at The Alberta Bair Theatre. They rocked the house with songs like Surfin' U.S.A. and Do It Again. I wore my T-shirt with palm trees on it because palm trees are usaully found on beaches where The Beach Boys are, right?
In about one week me and my family are going to go visit Calgary (that's a city in Canada). It is a 10 hour drive one way so, it is going to be along drive. But more about that next time.
This is Zarek signing off.
Thursday, August 26
Collaborative story
If you would like to help develop the story of our survival on a deserted island then head for to this collaborative writing website.
Copy and paste this url into your web browser:
Make sure it follows the previous writer's thread and develops in a logical, sequential way.
You may edit spelling and grammar of other writers.
You can add your ideas in amongst other people's ideas but you can't delete their work (unless to correct spelling or grammar).
You can add your ideas in amongst other people's ideas but you can't delete their work (unless to correct spelling or grammar).
This is to be a G-rated story.
Looking forward to reading the story as it unfolds.
Tuesday, August 24
White Wonderland
On Thursday 19 August we went up to the white wonderland of Rainbow Ski Field. Mapua School's Year 5-8 students went up the mountain for a fantastic day in the snow.
The morning was boiling hot as the sun shone on the slopes, it was so hot that many adults and kids, not wanting to be fried in the sun, were stripping off their under layers.
Level 1-3 skiers and snow boarders started their lessons after going through the rental shed. We had lessons so that we could relearn the basics so that we were safe to go down the slopes in case we had forgotten how to keep control and stop quickly.
Level 1 and 2 began at the learner slope then went to the intermediate slope if they felt comfortable doing so. Level 3 started and finished on the intermediate slope, but if they were told they could and if they had the skills, they were able to go on the T-bar. After all the lessons we got the rest of the day to do what we wanted.
The only thing that was bad about the day was that the snow began to melt a bit on the intermediate slopes so some rocks were showing up, but apart from that the day was great! The day was so amazing and to make it even more perfect it began to snow lightly at the end of the day! It was very magical indeed.
The morning was boiling hot as the sun shone on the slopes, it was so hot that many adults and kids, not wanting to be fried in the sun, were stripping off their under layers.
Level 1-3 skiers and snow boarders started their lessons after going through the rental shed. We had lessons so that we could relearn the basics so that we were safe to go down the slopes in case we had forgotten how to keep control and stop quickly.
Level 1 and 2 began at the learner slope then went to the intermediate slope if they felt comfortable doing so. Level 3 started and finished on the intermediate slope, but if they were told they could and if they had the skills, they were able to go on the T-bar. After all the lessons we got the rest of the day to do what we wanted.
The only thing that was bad about the day was that the snow began to melt a bit on the intermediate slopes so some rocks were showing up, but apart from that the day was great! The day was so amazing and to make it even more perfect it began to snow lightly at the end of the day! It was very magical indeed.
Monday, August 23
News and Home Tasks Term 3 Week 6
Another gorgeous weekend to get out and about in. I am loving being able to wear shoes that are pairs, get out on the bike and walking without the clumping sound!
Lots happening this week. Check out the news sheet for more info.
Lots happening this week. Check out the news sheet for more info.
Sunday, August 15
News and Home Tasks Term 3 Week 5
What a great weekend. I hope you were able to get out and enjoy it with the family and friends.
Have managed to get your ski clothes organised? Remember that the weather can be changeable on the mountain so make sure you have layers of warm clothes and a suitable jacket to keep the wind and wetness out.
Check out the newsletter to find out about more about our learning activities for this week.
Have managed to get your ski clothes organised? Remember that the weather can be changeable on the mountain so make sure you have layers of warm clothes and a suitable jacket to keep the wind and wetness out.
Check out the newsletter to find out about more about our learning activities for this week.
Thursday, August 12
Learning from mistakes
Hi guys
Just want to say that in the holidays I made a big mistake and so I’m writing this so no one will make the same mistake.
I saw a pop up on our computer and it promised me something I really wanted. It promised a Iphone and asked me for my mobile number.
It cost me 34 dollars, which I didn’t know it was taking off my phone.
So I want you to learn from my mistake and don’t sign up for anything without your parent’s permission otherwise it will cost you a lot.
Isaac Worsley
Just want to say that in the holidays I made a big mistake and so I’m writing this so no one will make the same mistake.
I saw a pop up on our computer and it promised me something I really wanted. It promised a Iphone and asked me for my mobile number.
It cost me 34 dollars, which I didn’t know it was taking off my phone.
So I want you to learn from my mistake and don’t sign up for anything without your parent’s permission otherwise it will cost you a lot.
Isaac Worsley
Wednesday, August 11
Birthday girl goes deep diving!!!
Hey room 7 it's me again Lara and the 10th of August was my BIRTHDAY I got to go diving it was really cool. My diving instructer Malcolm was REALLY cool, he was really funny. I went diving at Rimba about 4 to 5 meters deep and learnt how all the hoses worked and how to stop your ears from hurting when you go down and all that stuff. And yes it is better than snorkeling.
It's not long until I come back home only five mre days.
See you then.Lara
It's not long until I come back home only five mre days.
See you then.Lara
Me with my tank on. |
Me and Malcolm in the water. |
Monday, August 9
Zarek's Trip to Yellowstone National Park
Hey Room 7,
I just journeyed to Yellowstone National Park, the first and biggest National Park in the whole World!!! I saw some pretty awesome wildlife there like grizzly/black bears. I had a blast, considering we only stayed one night. (But a good one night!) We stayed in the little town of West Yellowstone. And I'll have to tell you this; the busy little town of West Yellowstone. In West Yellowstone they were having an "Old Fashioned Car Weekend" and we got to see some pretty old, old (but cool) cars. Unfortunately, we didn't get any pictures of the cars. But we did get some pretty darn good photos taken on our trip.
Part 1:
Part 2:
I just journeyed to Yellowstone National Park, the first and biggest National Park in the whole World!!! I saw some pretty awesome wildlife there like grizzly/black bears. I had a blast, considering we only stayed one night. (But a good one night!) We stayed in the little town of West Yellowstone. And I'll have to tell you this; the busy little town of West Yellowstone. In West Yellowstone they were having an "Old Fashioned Car Weekend" and we got to see some pretty old, old (but cool) cars. Unfortunately, we didn't get any pictures of the cars. But we did get some pretty darn good photos taken on our trip.
Part 1:
Part 2:
News and Home Tasks Term 3 Week 4
It is great to see our overseas students keeping in contact through the blog. Keep it up Zarek and Lara. (time for you to start Matheus - we need to have a virtual farewell party for you. Maybe we could organise a skype call. Get in touch and let us know how to reach you.)
We had a great week last week and one of the highlights was going with the first House group, Blue House, across to Tane’s Ark to take part in a planting and protection session on Friday. The weather was absolutely fabulous for a winter picnic and the students were really happy caring for the school’s environmental project.
We are looking forward to another busy week ahead with Takaka Sports exchange top of the highlights - go Mapua!
We had a great week last week and one of the highlights was going with the first House group, Blue House, across to Tane’s Ark to take part in a planting and protection session on Friday. The weather was absolutely fabulous for a winter picnic and the students were really happy caring for the school’s environmental project.
We are looking forward to another busy week ahead with Takaka Sports exchange top of the highlights - go Mapua!
Friday, August 6
A little Island Survival!!!
Hey guys it's Lara reporting from Malaysia, we have clear blue skies and a 40 degrees climate nice and hot. Unlike New Zealand now I'm guessing it's about mid winter there.Well enough boaring talk lets talk about this A frame hut I made with Daniel it took us about 3 hours to build but it was worth it. We got the idea from this guy that made one a couple of days ago we think ours is much nicer though.
Well I've got to run so bye!
Well I've got to run so bye!
Me and my brothers under our A frame. |
Thursday, August 5
Zarek, Reporting from America
It's Zarek here reporting from America.
Hope you guys are enjoying yourselves in life.
I don't know about you, but it is sunny skies here in Montana. Boiling hot too. The other day, it was 103 degrees.
Speaking of degrees; I just went to a water park called Big Splash and I went down a 75-degree-angle water slide and my togs almost about ripped!
I just finished theatre camp a week ago. It was AWESOME!!! At camp we learnt how to dance to "Thriller"(by Michael Jackson). It was a really complicated dance. In addition to dancing, we learnt how to sing better and act better. We even learnt how to do yoga! And after two weeks of learning, we had to do a play. My play that I was in was "The Untold Story of Hansel and Gretel." And guess what; I got the main part out (Hansel) of 15 kids!
Anyway, enough about me. See you soon.
Hope you guys are enjoying yourselves in life.
I don't know about you, but it is sunny skies here in Montana. Boiling hot too. The other day, it was 103 degrees.
Speaking of degrees; I just went to a water park called Big Splash and I went down a 75-degree-angle water slide and my togs almost about ripped!
I just finished theatre camp a week ago. It was AWESOME!!! At camp we learnt how to dance to "Thriller"(by Michael Jackson). It was a really complicated dance. In addition to dancing, we learnt how to sing better and act better. We even learnt how to do yoga! And after two weeks of learning, we had to do a play. My play that I was in was "The Untold Story of Hansel and Gretel." And guess what; I got the main part out (Hansel) of 15 kids!
Anyway, enough about me. See you soon.
Wednesday, August 4
Room 7 superb artistic maths
Room 7 has been learning about transformations. We found out that these are part of Geometry and involves translation, rotation, reflection and enlargements. This has been our maths for the last couple of weeks. Mrs Hosie gave us a test to find out what we know about Geometry. Then she put us in groups and we learnt more about Rotational symmetry. We went onto a website which taught you lots of things about symmetry. If you want to go on and have a go, the link to the website is called Pacifica Patterns - Symmetry, it is on our class links to the right of our blog. After we learnt about transformations, we used our new knowledge to create new wrapping paper designs. We got asked to make wrapping paper since our art in the art exhibition was so good. First Mrs Hosie gave us an A3 piece of paper and then we made a koru design in our art books. Next we got to work tracing the koru design onto the piece of paper, translating, rotating, reflecting before we coloured them in and this is what they turned out like:
Monday, August 2
Back at Dad's resort!!!
Hey room 7 It's me Lara and I've just left my cousins house and I'm back at Rimba my Dad's resort. I had so much fun, I went to the crocodile farm and saw a HUGE crocodile it was like five times bigger than me. Then we went to fly our kites at one of the most beautiful park I've been to, it was just like the one in Alice in Wonderland. When we all went home we watched three new movies Shrek 4, Karate Kid and Toy story 3. Well I've got to run I'll write to you soon.
Sunday, August 1
Week 3 News
Not long to go now until our Snow Day. A notice will be coming home with amounts to be paid for our activities at the Rainbow ski field in Week 5 and this needs to be paid by the 13th August please.
Hope you are able to check out the websites on the link list as these give examples of the learning activities the students are taking part in to develop their understandings of various topics.
Try out this activity from the CSI Internet link
Can you tell which of these sites has true information and which does not? How do you know?
Leave a comment to let us know what you decided after viewing the two sites. I wonder whether you found out the same things that the students did?
Have a great week everyone.
Mrs H
Not long to go now until our Snow Day. A notice will be coming home with amounts to be paid for our activities at the Rainbow ski field in Week 5 and this needs to be paid by the 13th August please.
Hope you are able to check out the websites on the link list as these give examples of the learning activities the students are taking part in to develop their understandings of various topics.
Try out this activity from the CSI Internet link
Can you tell which of these sites has true information and which does not? How do you know?
Have a great week everyone.
Mrs H
Wednesday, July 28
Lara's paintings
Hola guys it's Lara here and I have been learning lots of cool things like playing a traditional malay toy called a Gasing. It's like a spinning top but instead of using your hand you use string. I learned how to
paint a cat because my aunty is a artist.
I also had a birthday party and got lots of presents from my auntes but my birthday isn't until the tenth of August it was so fun.
Well I've got to go to the crocodile farm now so I'll write to you soon
P.S sorry I can't show you any photos my aunties laptop is VERY slow.
paint a cat because my aunty is a artist.
I also had a birthday party and got lots of presents from my auntes but my birthday isn't until the tenth of August it was so fun.
Well I've got to go to the crocodile farm now so I'll write to you soon
P.S sorry I can't show you any photos my aunties laptop is VERY slow.
Monday, July 26
Lara and cousins!!!
Hey guys it's me again and I have left Dad's resort and have come to stay with my 4 cousins in Johor Bahru, . I guess your woundering what I've been up too, well the answer to that is simple SHOPPING!!! I'm just kidding. I've actually been to this really awesome midnight park and yes it's only open at midnight.
Sorry guys I've got to run I'll write to you soon.Lara
Sorry guys I've got to run I'll write to you soon.Lara
Friday, July 23
Fun in the sun with Lara
Hey Guys, it's Lara here! I am having a great time in Malaysia at my Dad's resort. It's 30 degrees here, much more hotter than New Zealand!! and there are heaps more sandflies here!
I've been snorkelling, walking, rock climbing and learning awesome card tricks!
We have seen lizards, a deer and heaps of fish like Nemo, stone fish and lots of sting rays, not to mention the huge parrot fish.
I've been snorkelling, walking, rock climbing and learning awesome card tricks!
Soon I am going over to see my rellies in Johor Bahru.
Check out the photos I've taken during my holiday!
Thursday, July 22
Hello every one
I'm in Wales right know.I'll show you some photos from our trip so far.Guess were I've been.I've been to france and.......DISNEYLAND!!!
Sunday, July 18
Welcome back!
I agree with Kelly on her first point (see the post below) - just when you are really getting into the swing of holidays, they end!
But, not sure about the tiredness. Maybe you need to come to school to pep up and get re-energised?
I am looking forward to catching up with all the holiday goss this week.
If you would like to complete the Y chart on the computer, send me an email and I will send you the file.
Mrs H
But, not sure about the tiredness. Maybe you need to come to school to pep up and get re-energised?
I am looking forward to catching up with all the holiday goss this week.
If you would like to complete the Y chart on the computer, send me an email and I will send you the file.
Mrs H
Saturday, July 17
The Holidays
Hey Rm 7,
My holidays have been great! I've had heaps of time to chill out with family this week, and of course a lot of fun with friends at my "TWILIGHT" birthday party last week!
There is a few bad points about the holidays which are: 1. They have to end, and 2. They make you feel exhausted! As evidence of the tiredness I have included some pics of last night when I fell into a sound sleep on top of my dog, Sam.
See you in school,
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